Tuesday 28 February 2023



This blog today entitled TOMBS is about how we that of Humanity can become

Spiritualized by the inner knowing of who and what we really are.

The word "TRANSVECTION" means to me to "raise lift up" to "LEVITATE"

the raising up of our awareness and perceptual consciousness into the reality of

our becoming spiritualized by waking up into our true inner Divine Nature.

For us as humanity to become raised up (levitate) to TRANSVECT our lower 

selves into a realization of the real presence of our hidden away by a veil of

ignorance, that of our Higher Divine SELF.

Our lower self is that of the biological machine that is our vehicle mode of 

motioning and living through this physical realm.

Our  higher Self is that inner PRESENCE deep within the matrix or core of 

our being. The Higher Self is that which is Divine and Immortal, it is the 

direct connection to the Divine Eternal Spirit , from which we all emerged from

long long ago.

This blog entitled TOMBS is about how we can all "resurrect" ourselves out 

of the TOMB of flesh  and blood  which is the physical vehicle and become 

"anointed" by the wisdom that flows out of the "HIGHER SELF"  into 

the full realization of your Divine Immortal Identity.

To WAKE UP and BECOME RESURRECTED  into a new level of awareness

and perceptive consciousness.

Realizing your true inner NATURE. This inner realization will SPIRITUALIZE


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 27 February 2023



This blog today entitled EULOGY is about the "Song of Life" the EULOGY

of Spirit being expressed within a KOSHIC covering which enables the Absolute

Intelligent Spirit, to become relative and able to experience tangible expressions

throughout this infinite universe.

All life expressed is made tangible by the Absolute Principle of unconditional Love

life is in fact the very embodiment of that Absolute Immutable principle. Also 

unconditional love can be seen as that which Quantum Science now calls that of

"Quantum Entanglement" this whole universe is absolutely Entangled within the

"SELF"? Which is the Primordial Intention Thought Wave  of the Absolute Source.

All life universally is totally entangled within every atom and sub atomic particles in

this universe. 

The Quantum field is universal , another name for it would be that of "CONSCIOUSNESS"

is the FIELD ! That the whole relative universe is "hopelessly" entangled within. Another

name for entanglement is "unconditional Love". The OMNIPRESENT GRACE that 

"HOLDS" all life in its universal EMBRACE, which is another word for Divine 

Coherence is that of the Absolute unconditional love of the SOURCE of all life

and motion.

The YIN/YANG is that of the INTERPLAY of Intelligent Energy which moves life 

within the twin poles of positive and negative, and all the variations in between.

EULOGY is about the "song of life"  being staged within the THEATRE of MOTION

which is all infinite stages there are in this infinite universe.

We are all enfolded within an infinite Quantum Field of universal expression which is

way beyond any mortal comprehension.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 26 February 2023



This blog today entitled BEHOLD is about how we can begin the recognition

process of fully knowing who and what we really are.

The word BEHOLD means to SEE-OBSERVE, and the word OMEGA means 

the  END, Final Part. So what do we need to SEE and OBSERVE? Also what

is the END or Final Part we need to understand? These are two most important 

questions that we all need to know and understand.

We need to know and BEHOLD , to SEE and Observe by looking within ourselves

as to who and what we really are.

By doing this we will soon realize that we are all "LOCALIZED" Divinity 

engaging in gathering up experiences and opening up the inner door which will 

complete our understanding , and also fully awaken our inner realization of our 

true Divine Heritage.

When we come to the OMEGA realization which means the end of a long long 

journey, the Final Part of our realized BEINGNESS.

Humanity stands on the THRESHOLD of Awakening  the "DWELLER on the

THRESHOLD"  which is the full Realization of the "Indwelling SELF"  which


Humanity is at the end of the evolutionary road of SELF Discovery, the OMEGA

sequence is being played out within eight billion human beings daily. Many 

worldwide are waking up to the inner realization that we are all Divine Immortal

beings . When we fully realize this universal fact, we will no longer need to 

incarnate here upon this planet.

We can then choose to move onto fresh green pastures elsewhere in this infinite 

universe, or chose to remain here and guide our fellow human beings by incarnating

back here on Earth with full awake and aware consciousness, thereby sharing with

humanity our true and noble destiny.


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 25 February 2023



This blog today entitled REALISM is about how Life and Existence came 

"online" by the "will to move" which was that Primordial Cause-less Cause

that Primal thought intention Wave which brought about and caused the birth

of this relative universe. In the "BEFORE" when there was zero universe, NO

LIFE or EXISTENCE was present . Life and existence are both relative terms 

that only apply when there is the birth of perpetual atomic vibratory motion which 

arises within  the Willed Intention of the Absolute SELF.

The act of willed intention causes motion to arise out of motionlessness, and this 

motioning process is the birth of atomic relative vibration.

Before this began there was zero life and zero existence, all that was PRESENT

was the Absolute SELF, which is UNBORN and ETERNAL and totally 

TRANSCENDS  both LIFE and Existence.

Life and existence are NOT ETERNAL only SPIRIT is ETERNAL and Spirit 

transcends all life an d that of existence.

Life and existence are both relative concepts and are therefore TEMPORAL 

manifestations of indwelling SPIRIT in order to engage in duality based relative 

life, which is both motional (atomic vibration) and Tangible.

REALISM is about our understanding of that which is eternally REAL and unchanging

and coupling this realization with our relative physical bodies and thereby realizing 

that there is a big difference between relative TRUTH, and that of which is Eternally

true, one changes within  a relative time space framework, while the REALISM 

of PURE Absolute Spirit SELF NEVER EVER CHANGES, It is an Absolute Eternal

Infinite CONSTANT.

We need to be mindful that all Life and Existence is in TRUTH just the "expression 

MODE" the outer KOSHIC Expression of that inner eternal PRESENCE which is

that of Pure Spirit SELF.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 24 February 2023



This blog today entitled  LOCUS is about us understanding that the word LOCUS 

which means (Site-Location) explains that the "location" and the "Site" of our 

Divinity , our Spirit lies deep within every hum an being. 

It will explain that before "we" were "Born into life" "WE"  were ALL Absolute Spirit

Transcendent of LIFE  and that of existence. LIFE and EXISTENCE only came 

"ONLINE" when "WE" left the Absolute abode of perpetual motionlessness and 

were "MOVED" by an intentional thought wave into a motioning existence. Life and

existence both mean MOTIONING (vibratory atomic motion) before that primordial

INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE there was NO UNIVERSE or any atomic motion

whatsoever, only perpetual silence and eternal BLISS.

The  LOCUS of the Self lies deeply within  every human being . To find this LOCI

which is aligned within our inbuilt INTUITION faculty, we need to look deeply within

ourselves and take up meditation or yoga.

Humanity basically consists of eight billion Localized points of consciousness which

is that of Spirit wrapped around five KOSHAS of dimensional differing levels of 

awareness which cover over all the five dimensional levels of LIFE being expressed 

within a relative mode.

"WE" are all eternal BEING, meaning that "we" are ALL "UNBORN" and Absolute 


That which "seems" to be born and then die is that of the KOSHAS which are only 

the ETHEREAL coverings of that Pure Spirit entity that wishes to engage in collecting

tangible relative experiences .

Our eternal ESSENCE which is the LOCUS is Omnipresent and Ubiquitous  and 

Transcendent of this universe and is WAY BEYOND  ALL LIFE and Existence.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 23 February 2023



This blog today entitled DEVAS  is about that  of Humanity and what lies beneath

the FACADE of FORM which is our physical body vehicle.

DEVAS is a word from HINDUISM meaning, "shiny" "Exalted" Heavenly, pure 

Excellence , which is what the inner core of all humanity really is..

A DEVA means a Divine being the word Deva is that of the masculine sex, while

the word DEVI is that  word for the feminine  divine being. So the whole of humanity

is made up from both Deva (male) and Devi (female) beings of Divine Spirit being 

clothed within the five KOSHAS of expression.

Every human being is Divine within its inner MATRIX, within the inner matrix the 

Pure Spirit being is SEX-LESS neither male nor female  but the potentiality for both

when expression (moved into life stream) is manifested.

Pure  Spirit , the SELF  the ESSENCE of our existence is sex-less, neither male nor 

female , or any other emerging sexual identity, it is only when "LIFE" approaches 

the "BELT of MATTER  that sexual orientation comes into existence.

Humanity at its inner core matrix has never been born, and therefore will never die,

at our core of being "WE" are all UNBORN ETERNAL BEING.

It is only the physical vehicle that dies, but you and me are "NOT" the vehicle ,

we are all that of Divine Spirit.

We have but to look within ourselves , make conscious contact with our inner GURU

which is our Divine Monitor which is the INTUITION FACULTY which we all have

within us. When we can tune into our INTUITION it will reveal to you that of your 

TRUE IMMORTAL IDENTITY, then you will fully understand that you are a DEVA 

(male) or DEVI (female)  having what could be seen as a human being experience 

here upon the Earth plane, in order to gather valuable experiences of tangible life

and the interactions that occur within  this process.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it along to your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 22 February 2023



This blog today entitled SEEK is about how we can Seek out the true nature

of the SEEKER who lives within us all. Question, what is the true nature of

what we term as a SOUL ? Are souls real  BEINGS or are they just a term used

to describe the outer coverings (KOSHAS) of the DIVINE SPIRIT?

The coverings (koshas) are indeed  Divine in as much that the koshas are made

of Divine ETHEREAL Energy, but they are not BEINGS, that what we term 

as a SOUL. In truth souls do not exist in absolute reality. They only "appear" to

exist within the relative universe. 

All that there is consists of KOSHAS and that of PURE Divine Spirit. Our physical

body Kosha is the most dense and material, but we are not SOULS meaning that

we are "Distinct Entities", the only real ENTITY is that of the SPIRIT which dwells

within the five distinct Koshas.

The five Koshas are all Ethereal Intelligent Energy, but NOT actual "soul infused"

beings. There is only ONE BEING  within this universe and that is the Absolute 

Spirit  Source , GOD/BRAHMAN, but there are countless trillions of KOSHIC 

infused vehicles within this infinite universe, which all are busy gathering experiences 

within  "Their realms" of expression.

This process of KOSHIC expressed Spirit is teeming throughout this universe , our

planet Earth is just one KOSHIC  expressed planet among countless trillions of other

expressions universally.

SEEK is about you and me becoming SEEKERS of our true inner nature. To venture

within ourselves and reveal that Divine Intelligence that dwells within us all. If we 

SEEK out this invisible Intelligent SPIRIT (SELF) we will then know who and what

we all really are. What are "YOU" waiting for?

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 21 February 2023



This blog today entitled EGOISM is about how "we" that of Humanity are it truth

eight  billion vehicles of the inner Divine Spirit, being used to collect valuable 

experiences of tangible living collective experiences..

EGOISM is the collective "NOUN" for that of the human experience, when we

fully understand who and what we actually are. EGOISM is the "flow of life" that

has evolved into that of a SELF aware human beings. Being SELF aware means 

far more than just being awake to the fact that we "know that we know" to 

fully understand that of being SELF aware , we need to Fully Understand what exactly 

the "SELF" actually IS! The SELF is that "core absolute Source", which is 

condensed within the very MATRIX of our being, this SELF is the SOURCE of this

universe and every other VERSE that may exist within the infinity of Eternal BEING.

Each human being is a facet a holographic representation of Divine Intelligence 

coalesced into physical formation and presented as being a human being.

"WE" are all here to wake up and remember who and what we really are. This takes

many incarnations of experience gathering before the proverbial "penny drops"

and also to relay all this experience gathering back to the SOURCE within the Absolute

Void  of Being SELF. This information is sent eight billion times SIMULTANEOSLY

back to the core of BEING SELF.

Humanity consists of eight billion (IN-FORMED) Spirit made into flesh by condensing

the Absolute Being into  a Relative point of reference and thereby it flowing  into this

physical dimension for the purpose of experiencing Tangible LIFE  within a Motioning

THEATRE which is Planet Earth, A motioning THEATRE of LIFE expressed.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

soul realization: Soul Is Love Literally YOU! S I L L Y Par...

soul realization: Soul Is Love Literally YOU! S I L L Y Par...: A great sadness befalls the human race, because millions upon millions of us, all go about looking for love, and never realizing that they...

Monday 20 February 2023



Todays blog entitled EPIC is about how we that of humanity have within us

an anchor which is that of Divine Spirit, which is eternally present and infinite 

consciousness. At the core of our being our consciousness is infinite and eternal.

but within our localized physical body our consciousness appears as that of being

somewhat localized within the brain area.

EPIC is about how we can expand our level of consciousness and make actual contact

with this Divine Presence, that lies within us all.

By going within ourselves and taking up meditation or yoga. we then can begin to enter

into the silence within and within this silence begin the process of expanding our 

consciousness and perspective awareness.

By doing this simple act of meditation or yoga, we will then be able to remove that 

vast blanket of ignorance that enshrouds the mass of humanity.

We each have within this anchor of Divinity which is eternally present, a point within 

the brain that is directly connected to this inner spirit is called our INTUITION, this

"POINT" is connected by electromagnetic waves of energy.

Our INTUITION is that inner GURU that will allow us all to make this EPIC connection

directly to that core BEING of eternal Spirit.

Looking within ourselves is the way OUT of being wholly ignorant as to who and what

we really are. Within us ALL lies the truth of BEING.

EPIC points  to where that can be found, which is within us all. Humanity GAZES 

primarily OUTWARD into the motioning of expressed life. But to understand what we

are really looking at, we need to move our GAZE from outward to inward,

Here within us all lies the answer to our real IMMORTAL NATURE , EPIC will 

lead you into this KNOWING by gazing within your  SELF, Therein lies the TRUTH


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks 

Sunday 19 February 2023



This blog today is about a truth that has been hidden away from mankind

for thousands of years. "WHAT IF" will explain that the universal principle 

of wisdom , in truth lies hidden away in plain sight within the human body


The principle of wisdom is basically vouchsafed within the Higher Self of 

every human being on this planet, all eight billion of us have direct access to

universal wisdom, all we need do to find it, is to take up the practice of meditation

or yoga.

WHAT IF is about beginning to WAKE UP and start to realize just WHO and WHAT

we really all are? Life which is infinite and eternal of which "WE" are all embedded 

within it, life holds all principles within its infinite embrace, all universal knowledge

and wisdom are all embedded and vouchsafed within the principle of LIFE of which

all of humanity is totally contained within.

LIFE (you and me) cannot learn wisdom because in our core  of being "we are WISDOM"

incarnated as a human being. All knowledge and wisdom lie within the core of all  

human life. We have only got to look within and make conscious contact with our 

INTUITION,  and this will reveal the wisdom within us all currently buried under

a dense blanket of ignorance.

Life is the very Divine embodiment  of love and wisdom it is our true immortal 

NATURE,  when we begin to understand what our real immortal nature actually IS!

WHAT IF says that within "YOU"  now reading this blog , lies all universal wisdom 

and knowledge , that you have NOTHING TO LEARN but only NEED to UNCOVER

what  already lies within "YOU" now dear READER of this blog.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 18 February 2023



This blog today entitled HALLOWED will portray the sequence of physical expression

into human life, and what is the propelling force behind it? It will explain that human

beings are all AVATARS of an indwelling invisible force which is that of Divine Spirit.

Our physical body vehicle is a physical representation (AVATAR) of an inner Intelligent

force   (SPIRIT). The word LIFETRONS used here mean that of Intelligent Cosmic energy

PRANA= that which I call "LIFETRONS" atoms of intelligent energy.

HALLOWED also means SACRED and the ground that human life walk on becomes 

SACRED ground  because the human body (AVATAR) is therefore a TEMPLE housing

the Divine energy within it. Our biological machine (human body) becomes animated 

by the countless trillions of LIFETRONS ATOMS that spark and galvanise the physical

matter into atomic vibrational expression and that of a human being.

Human AVATARS is only another name for the vehicle which houses the Divine inner 

Being, but I think the word AVATAR is a much closer approximation of what we really 

are. And of course the word AVATAR has meaning regard that of Divine Being.

Divine Spirit localizes its omnipresence into that of a divine unit that has become cloaked

into five KOSHAS of relativity and then opened the way into that of a physical expression

here upon planet Earth..

HALLOWED is about  how the ABSOLUTE ONE becomes relative and is born (localized

into relativity) here it EMBRACES countless trillions of LIFETRONS (PRANA) and

makes a tangible form so that it can be able to gain purchase within this physical realm

and thereby gain experience of tangible relative motional LIFE.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 17 February 2023



This blog today entitled TOMBS will ask the question of "WHAT IF" this relative

universe was just a THEATRE ? An infinite STAGE set up so that PURE SPIRIT

could engage in relative interactions with "other" KOSHIC embodied SOULS?

It could well be that this entire universe is just ONE INFINITE THEATRE, and "we"

that of LIFE are all the players within this vast infinite FIELD of DIVERSITY?

Within Absolute reality the SINGULAR Absolute Source , all is motionlessness

NO-THING ever occurs, or ever happens, eternal silence and motionlessness, zero

atomic motion. When Absolute WILLS a thought , then this manifests MOTION

from stillness, the causeless cause, and from this motion the THEATRE was born

aloft this Primordial Thought.

The THEATRE or STAGE SET is what we call the universe. When we understand 

that Pure Spirit  SOURCE is forever STILL (omnipresent) and that motion is arisen

from within THOUGHT, we can then see that LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent

-Focused-Energy is that Motioning thought wave of the SOURCE. LIFE then becomes 

a Relative Expression (an AVATAR?)  of an Absolute Being which is the Source.

All life is an expression of Pure Spirit clothed in what is called KOSHAS or sheaths

which are awareness coverings made of ETHEREAL energy.

LIFE is the ACTOR on the STAGE or theatre field of expression, life is here to 

experience motion and emotion tangibility, interacting with "OTHERS" , in absolute 

truth the are no "OTHERS" all is ONE, but that is within the absolute ONLY

within the relative THEATRE the ILLUSION of OTHERS  "seems" very real indeed.

We are all birthed into motion through the WOMB of the WILL of the SOURCE.

All is ONE and ONE is ALL, That is the DIVINE EQUATION.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 16 February 2023



This blog today entitled PION is about our understanding of that Absolute Presence

that completely overshadows all existence within this relative universe, which is that

of the Eternal ever-present NOW.  The NOW is Absolute it transcends this relative 

universe,  and is totally motionlessness. The NOW is an Eternal motionless point 

from which all LIFE EMERGES out from , and returns to at the point of exiting 

the vehicle (death).

The NOW is an Absolute Eternal Infinite OCEAN of PURE-SPIRIT   from which 

all "relative life" emerges, motioning spirit cloaked within KOSHAS  as 

"CRYSTALLIZED TEARS" of life (holographic facets of form) , all life is 

basically that of Crystallized Tears (condensed LIGHT) made into physical energy 

packets of expression.

The Absolute INTEGRITY of NOW is totally vouchsafed within the living life 

expression , within humanity all we need to do is to look deeply within ourselves

and this will eventually reveal what your TRUE ETERNAL nature actually is.

It will reveal to your startled gaze that "YOU" emerged out of stillness of the 

Eternal Ocean of the NOW (Absolute SOURCE) and thereby ventured into this 

relative universe in order to understand  MOTION and EMOTION through the 

process of evolving through layers of dimensional densities,  until finally reaching

that point in the NOW where you WAKE UP  into  Self Realization and are aware

of being I AM Self Conscious.

Here you wake up within the awaken state of being AWARE of NOW , and when that 

occurs , the Integrity  of the NOW which is Eternal Truth  will begin to open up

within your consciousness as flashes of insight that will emerge from your inbuilt

INTUITION , now the NOW will then guide you into the full SELF KNOWING

Of who and what you TRULY ARE!

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

Wednesday 15 February 2023



This blog today entitled MICHAEL is about how pure Absolute Spirit  , which

is that of the SELF (GOD/BRAHMAN)  becomes able to enter into a relative 

domain which is this temporal relative universe, and become that of being expressed 

as LIFE UNITS of motioning existence.

The MEMBRANE is that of the Infinity Circle which encloses this entire universe 

within its Absolute Infinite embrace. The membrane is that of a sub atomic field  of

Intelligent Energy, that separates the Absolute VOID  from that of the motioning 

perpetual vibrations of this relative universe. 

The SELF  which is ABSOLUTE cannot enter this relative universe in its Pure 

Spirit State.  So it therefore "PUSHES THROUGH" the Membrane by covering

itself with five layers of Koshas or sheaths , so that the "SELF" "PROTRUDES"

into this relative universe while being covered within  five layers or sheaths. 

This "PROTRUSION" by the SELF  enables it to come into contact with  relativity

"BUT ALAWAYS" being firmly ANCHORED  within its Absolute Domain.

Humanity is basically  consisting of five layers of ethereal intelligent energy which

serve as a cloaking device for that of the SPIRIT to engage in tangible experiences.

We are all very firmly anchored in the Absolute realm of ALLNESS , while our 

Koshas skins motion through the dimensional realms of relativity busy gathering

experiences of tangible life.

All life universally is expressed this way, it is the only way that Absolute SPIRIT

Intelligence can gain access to that of relativity.

There is only ONE LIFE, one SPIRIT, and we that of humanity are "IT" which 

stands for INFINITE TRUTH (IT).

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 14 February 2023



This blog today entitled KOSHAS looks at the way in which we can begin the 

practice of SELF KNOWING by taking up the practice of meditation or yoga,

and thereby beginning a journey that will reveal who and what you really are.

KOSHAS are five layers of awareness that veil the ATMAN or true SELF,

discovering each layer is seen to bring the individual (you) closer to oneness 

with the universe, and the true SELF (Pure Spirit).

Only the densest is made of matter (physical body) as we know it, the other four

are energy states invisible to the physical eye , though we can easily sense their 

presence inside us when we pay close attention.

Our SELF which is that of Pure Spirit , is that of the "CORE ESSENCE" of our 

inner BEING, this HOLY ESSENCE is SHIELEDED from being in contact with 

gross matter by the five KOSHAS layers, that is how PURE SPIRIT (GOD/BRAHMAN)

can become expressed and thereby gain purchase in this dense physical realm on 

Earth, and then become able to collect experiences of tangible relative life.

In its pure state which is that of being ABSOLUTE BEING SELF, it is Transcendent

of this relative universe and in that PURE STATE of BEING. there is ZERO possibility

of any interaction being made within any physical realm universally .

It is only when the SELF becomes "LAYERED" over by the five KOSHAS  can there

be any interaction taking place.

Our main task here on Earth is two fold , one we are here to gain valuable tangible 

experiences , and two e are here to look within ourselves and reveal and thereby know

who and what we really are.

Which is that of the HIGHER SELF which is PURE SPIRIT, Eternal, and UNBORN

Transcendent of LIFE and EXISTENCE, Absolute SELF BEING.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm ail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 13 February 2023



This blog today entitled PRISTINE is about that primal reality which is the SELF

which means that of Absolute Intelligence Pure Spirit Being, brought about from 

within its Numinous Absolute Mind, that of a PRISTINE relative universe  in 

which all life now abides within and has its experiences.

Humanity consists of a dual nature of expression,  we have two major parts which 

are the lower self which consists of the ego, personality, mind and memory, and there

is the Higher SELF which is that of the Eternal Immortal Unborn Divine Spirit. The 

majority of humanity is fully acquainted with the lower self, but relatively few are 

acquainted and knowing of their Higher SELF.

The real need within humanity is to fully know who and what we really are, but this need

seems to pass by most of humanity , instead we spend most of our lives looking at 

other things, and thereby remaining totally ignorant as to who we really are.

Beneath this FACADE of form which is the human vehicle, lies an invisible Divine

Spirit Energy which is that POWER that ANIMATES all Life universally.

We all really need to try and understand what this inner  Spiritual energy actually is.

Our primal reality is that we are First (primal) that of the SELF , which is that of 

UNBORN Eternal Spirit , "THAT" is our inner TRUE  universal NATURE,

and we are all eternal BEING SELF, having a relative human embodiment experience

here on planet Earth.

We are all here t experience TANGIBLE expressions as LIFE within a vehicle body

which houses our Spirit Essence, which is the SELF,

PRISTINE is about polishing up our lower self , by venturing within our inner  being

and thereby meeting up within our REAL SELF which is that of Pristine Primal reality

"YOU" expressing as that of the SELF.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm ail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and fiends Thanks.

Sunday 12 February 2023



This blog today entitled DOWN is about how we human beings have all wisdom

vouchsafed within us, and that the "DRAGON  OF WISDOM" which is that "HOLY

FIRE" which we call the KUNDALINI , which lies asleep within our root chakra, can

be awakened by the practice of meditation or yoga.

The "truth" that has been hidden from mankind for centuries long past, is that NONE 

of us has anything to LEARN!  Our MAIN TASK is to UNCOVER  what already lies 

buried deep within us, because of our gross ignorance we fail to realize that we can never

"LEARN WISDOM" , but rather like the principle of LOVE we are the very 

EMBODIMENT of WISDOM and LOVE, it is VOUCHSAFED  within the D N A  

of every human being.

This invisible energy which is the NOUMENON is the spiritual energy that lies within

us all.

When we enter into meditation or yoga we begin to make contact with this 

"HOLY FLAME" which is that of the "DRAGON OF WISDOM" which in most 

of us lies asleep in our root chakra.

When the KUNDALINI is awakened it automatically begins the process of unlocking

our D N A  which will then open up your perceptive consciousness and begin the 

awakening process which will reveal to you the WISDOM of the DRAGON, which is

the Divine Truth of your HOLY BIRTHRIGHT.

It will reveal to you WHO and WHAT you really are. All wisdom, all knowledge, lies

within  us ALL, you have NOTHING to LEARN Whatsoever,  only that to UNCOVER

what already lies within us ALL.

DOWN is about meeting our inner DRAGON and igniting that immortal flame of 

Eternal Life, and revealing to your lower self , that there is a real inner "SELF" which

is that of the eternal unborn Divine Spirit.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 11 February 2023



Todays blog entitled SAMSIS is about how Humanity which consists of eight

billion Souls or Sheaths, will ultimately all condense down into that of just ONE

Absolute Spirit. This is the way the Divine Equation is expressed universally.

This "IDEA" no doubt scares many of us, because we think that what will then 

happen to "ME"? Will I just vanish in a puff of smoke? The answer to that question

is NO! You will not vanish in a puff of smoke. What will really happen is that you will

through looking within yourself begin to make contact with the five Koshas or sheaths

that you and all of us are enfolded within. These five sheaths are what humanity call 

the SOUL, the soul is in truth just a name given to the sheaths layers that enfold the real 

BEING which is that of Divine Spirit GOD/BRAHMAN.

Each human being which means each human VEHICLE is a SHEATH LAYER being

expressed within five density layers of expression , our physical vehicle is the most dense.

But at the core MATRIX  of every human being lives that PURE UNBORN Eternal


We are ALL Pure Divine Spirit eternal and UNBORN. What is "BORN" is the VEHICLE

which is the SHEATH that permits you entry into this dense physical three dimensional

realm . 

We need to remember that "WE" are NOT THE VEHICLE! The real "YOU"  has 

never been BORN and will never DIE, "WE" are all Eternal BEING. The BEING

is always in the SINGULAR, There is ONLY ever ONE BEING, BEING (S) do not

EXIST in Absolute Reality, they only "SEEM" to exist within a relative framework.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends  Thanks

Friday 10 February 2023



This blog today entitled WOKE is about how we that of Humanity are all being 

expressed  upon this planet Earth within five KOSHIC or SHEATHS of expression.

These five expressions are simply called, 1) the physical body, 2) vital energy sheath,

3) mental body, 4)awareness and wisdom sheath, 5) Bliss body. Each layer of awareness

or sheath extends outwards from the physical body which fully encloses the life unit

"YOU" in its radiant electromagnetic spectrum of living light energy.

In Yoga these five KOSHAS are called "THE VEILS OF ATMAN" which form a 

veil covering that of the PURE SPIRIT within the highest KOSHA which is the BLISS

BODY, here in that KOSHA dwells that of Pure Spirit Intelligence and Presence, which

many understand to be that of the Absolute Brahman/GOD.

Because all these KOSHA sheaths actually interpenetrate the living life unit (you) we

are all totally encapsulated within these energy layers of awareness,  so that if we then 

take up the practice of meditation or yoga we will then begin to make contact with 

these varying levels or sheaths that surround us all.

Consciousness which by nature is omnipresent and universal has become "localized"

within our life unit expression, and arises as though it is a part of our physical biological

computer which is the brain, which of course it is not ,

When we practice meditation we will see that our localized version of consciousness will

begin to expand and radiate ever outwards into infinity, we will then begin to reconnect

with universal consciousness .

We are all here to collect experiences and also to wake up and consciously know who

and what we really are. When we do this we will fully understand the need for these 

sheaths which enable us to function here on Earth as physical relative life forms.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 9 February 2023



This blog today entitled "IS" will reveal the hidden  nature of that Divine Principle

we all have vouchsafed within us. 

The word INTUITION means basically and fundamentally to be "TAUGHT from

Within",  so the question then arises as to whom and what is this "TEACHER" that

is within us all? Our Intuition can be seen as a "Divine Monitor"  that is present 

within us all, and often makes its appearance in our lives when we are in a crisis 

situation . Here when we have our back up against the wall. we "suddenly"  hear

this inner still small voice , that speaks words of comfort and reassurance to us. Some

of us think that this inner voice is GOD talking to them, others are not sure where this

inner voice came from , but never the less were grateful for its comforting words of 


We can all consciously make a decision to tune into this inner voice that dwells within 

us all, we just need to take up meditation and go within ourselves. We do not have to 

"WAIT" for an incoming crisis to arise! 

Meditation will bring us into regular contact with our intuition and we will gain insight

into its way of contacting us. We will receive flashes of insight and ideas will flash into

our consciousness . If we ask our INTUITION to reveal to us our true IDENTITY by

saying the question of "WHO AM "I" REALLY"? We will then receive an answer from

our intuition.

The faculty of our INTUITION is our DIRECT CONNECTION to our HIGHER SELF

which is that of DIVINE SPIRIT.

This connecting principle is that of our INTUITION it is that "Divine Spark" that

lives within us all.

INTUITION can be seen as our VERY OWN PERSONAL inner GURU, because by

going within ourselves our intuition will "GUIDE US" into our full inner KNOWING

of just WHO and WHAT we REALLY ARE! Your inner GURU will lead you into 

the full realization of your IMMORTAL DIVINE inner nature.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 8 February 2023



This blog today entitled VEHICLE is about us that of Humanity , because humanity

all eight billion  of us are all eight billion vehicles that Divine Spirit uses as a means

to gather tangible experiences here upon this Earth plane. 

Every human being on this planet has within its inner matrix , an indwelling Spirit 

consciousness, when we can look deeply within ourselves we will all discover the 

reality and validity of this truth.

All human beings are a vehicle collective of Divine collective of Divine Intelligence

whose purpose is to collect experience of tangible life and the living interactions between

each other vehicles

Divine Intelligence in its eternal absolute stateless state cannot experience what the

physical vehicle experiences , that's why "WE" are HERE, "YOU" the human being

vehicle "ARE NOT THE BODY". because the "BODY" is only a "VEHICLE" and

NOTHING more than THAT.

The ancient GREEKS knew this truth when it was written in the temple  of APOLLO

in DELPHI the words "MAN KNOW THYSELF" because when we look deeply 

within ourselves we will therefore discover the inner PRESENCE of Divine 

Intelligence . This Presence is that of Divine Spirit Consciousness  which will eventually

whisper to you VIA your INTUITION , when you begin looking deeply within yourself.

You will then discover that "WE" are all localized infinite consciousness, encapsulated

within a physical body, and born upon this planet to engage in collecting experiences 

of tangible physical life, "we" are all eternal UNBORN absolute Spirit engaging within

a relative duality based space , here to explore expressed (motioning) LIFE.

"WE" are all eternal BEING, but the vehicle we all use is not, that falls away and 

returns to the Earth from whence it came, "WE" that of ETERNAL SPIRIT move on

into another higher level of BEING.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 7 February 2023



This blog today entitled OUTER is how we only ever see the "OUTER" form and

shape of various objects and living expressions.

We never see or seem to understand what lies hidden from our view? Which then

brings in the word OCCULT, what does this word really mean? The word OCCULT

as shown in the dictionary says this, ABTRUSE-MYSTERIOUS-CONCEALED-

HIDDEN-and SECRET  all these words describe what occult actually means.

The ancient wisdom states that "ALL TRUTH is HIDDEN  in PLAIN SIGHT"

which means that everything we see in our lives daily has an "OUTER" appearance

which we will INTERPRETE as this or that , but the inner unseen OCCULT object

that which is of the NOUMENON is made out of the ONE-THING. The phenomenon 

which reveals the visible form and shape of a THING , all seem to be very different, but

the invisible REALITY is that "ALL" expressed "THINGS" universally are all made of


infinitely multi-DIVERSIONAL in its multi dimensional expressions. 

The inner matrix of all energy is that of SPIRIT CONSCIOUSNESS, the IDEATION

of thought producing MOTION and RELATIVITY.

No Human being has ever seen the NOUMENON which is the ESSENCE of  all 

universal life. We only ever see the PHENOMENON the visible form and shape of a 

THING. If we can look beyond the shape and appearance of THINGS, we will quickly

begin to see that all these so called THINGS" were in truth just ONE THING  in

the SINGULAR, and not in the PLURAL. All things universally are all made of just 

ONE THING which is PURE ENERGY. Humanity is no exception to this universal

rule of expressed emotional LIFE.


Warmest  regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 6 February 2023



This blog today entitled ANSWER is about how all Life and the expressions 

of all energy move through  the the eternally motionlessness ever present NOW.

In Absolute truth there is no such thing as TIME or SPACE or that of a 

CONTINUUM. these are things made up by us to try and explain , that which

we do not UNDERSTAND. All there truly is which is eternally ever present ,is

that of the NOW!

The NOW is Absolute along with PURE AWARENESS it is us which is LIFE

that is relative . Life moves through the motionlessness of the eternal NOW, Life

moves on the "conveyor belt" we call evolution or ascension. In relative terms all

expressions within this universe "MOVE" The whole universe is that of perpetual

motion, "atomic vibration". The NOW is Absolute and is fully transcendent of this

universe. The NOW is the POINT the AXIS from which this entire universe revolves

or motions through. The NOW can be seen as a Singularity point of reference in 

which this universe revolves around. 

The ANSWER lies in that of understanding the NOW and its "reflection" which is

that of PURE Absolute Awareness. The wisdom that lies within all life is there to

guide you into understanding this truth of "motioning evolution".

Humanity with its I AM SELF AWARENESS can tune into its inner SELF through

meditation and thereby discover the ANSWER which that SILENT NOW will reveal

to those who quest it within themselves.

All universal wisdom lies within us all, buried under a blanket of ignorance , by 

going within ourselves we can wake up and uncover that inner wisdom, which lies

within us all. The ANSWER to your IMMORTAL IDENTITY  lies within you right


Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto yur family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 5 February 2023



This blog today entitled FATHERED is about how the Absolute Power of FOHAT

(cosmic electricity) manifested and thereby FATHERED this entire relative universe.

FOHAT is the galvanising principle that converts IDEATION (Absolute Intention

Power) into electrical energy, it is the POWER that makes "Thoughts become Things".

FOHAT is the link between spirit and matter , subject and object.

The diversity of life universal is caused by variant electrical "flashes of living essence"

life as a electrical discharge coalescing into an informed Life material being.

Diversity of life is caused by Intelligent FOHAT power flashing insightful ideas into

form and shape, then expressing them in the THEATRE of physical life.

FOHAT is the bridge by which the "IDEA" existing in Divine Thought are impressed

on cosmic substance as the LAWS of NATURE.

All expressed life is in essence that of SPIRIT the Absolute Spirit the one who has 

"FATHERED" all expression (motion) universally. When we look at the diversity 

of life on this planet Earth we see a myriad of differing forms and shapes, from the 

animals, to plants, to fish, trees, flowers they all look DIFFERENT but in ESSENCE

they are all the SAME THING, which is Pure Spirit Energy.

Humanity has that most vital added ingredient which is our ability to know that we have

"I AM"SELF AWARE consciousness, therefore we are conscious that we are alive , we know

that we know, with our insight we can thereby understand what this FATHERED

PRINCIPLE actually is.

We can all look within and see and feel that Divine Spirit of FOHAT within us , this is 


"WE" have all been FATHERED by the ABSOLUTE SELF which in "FACT" amounts

to ALL OF US collectively?

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichel17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If  this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 4 February 2023



This blog today entitled SAMADHI is about a "point" that all human life will reach

at some time in our evolution process, if we ask the question of what  is SAMADHI ?

We will see that SAMADHI is the pathless path that we all tread life after life in search

of OUR-SELF. The path is pathless because we create it moment by moment in our 

journey through this evolutionary cycle, and onto that of our ascension cycle. each 

incarnation brings us one step closer to that of realizing and fully knowing that we our


SAMADHI involves transcending the cycle of cause and effect, and also the narrow realm

of reason and logic, nothing is logical with SAMADHI, SAMADHI can thus be termed as

a state that is beyond logic, beyond awareness, and beyond thought.

Each one of us has the capacity to make up our minds to look deep within ourselves. We

can take up meditation or yoga that will enable us to do this. SAMADHI is about waking

up and "KNOWING" and BEING".

I first experienced SAMADHI back in 1975 when I had started meditating  and was 

venturing deeply within the SELF. For me the realization and SAMADHI experience

was a completely and totally SPONTANEOUS one that rushed through me like a 

"mighty wind" a wind of the SPIRIT, that took me through this entire universe in a 

blink of an eye, I noticed that light seemed to be moving at a "snails pace" as I 

rushed past all universal things and entered a BLACK VOID, the universe was GONE

Here in this ETERNAL ABSOLUTE VOID  I heard a voice which said that "BEFORE

this universe was born, I AM" I felt that "I" that I thought was ME  had expanded

into infinity and eternity and that I was now the totality of ALL, expanded into that of 

ABSOLUTE INCLUSIVITY. this experience took me several days to return to what 

was supposed to be that of normality. Over the past forty odd years that have past since

that profound experience, I have had other profound experiences as well, these are for 

another day.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 3 February 2023



This blog today entitled MIND is about the question of what exactly is mind?

And what exactly is that of consciousness? Within the understanding that has

been presented to me by tuning into the inner wisdom of silent meditation 

practice, is that there is only ONE MIND within this universe, and that 

consciousness  is a singularity phasing within all beings, One mind, One

Consciousness that expresses itself in a myriad of ways.

Mind and consciousness are both universal and omnipresent factors that arise 

out of and within that of PURE AWARENESS/

Mind and consciousness are both expressing principles that function within a 

relative universal framework.

They are not Absolute as PURE AWARENESS IS, but both "appearances" arise 

out of pure awareness when there is a "MOTIONAL IDEATION INTENTIONAL

WAVE" presenting a FLOW of ABSOLUTE INTENTION , which is then to become

relative . Mind and consciousness only exist within relativity . Within the Absolute 

there is only PURE AWARENESS, with the potentiality of mind and consciousness 

both being fast asleep.

Pure Awareness is that of Absolute Spirit , One Absolute Spirit, One mind. One 

consciousness, One LIFE.

"WE" tend to live within the idea of mind that we each have a "I AMSELF AWARE" 

consciousness  or mind, which would seem to mean that there is then eight billion

"Is" on this Earth, when the truth is that there is only ONE"I"" that appears to be 

replicated eight billion times!  When we see our  bodies as just that of vehicles 

which house the indwelling spirit. we will then be able to see just who and what 

we really are, which is ONE Divine Absolute BEING.

warmest regards  michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 2 February 2023



This blog today entitled ARCHES is about awareness and consciousness, and that

how the HIERACHY  which is the Absolute SOURCE of all there IS, makes its 

appearance within this relative universe disguised as that of being LIFE. There is 

distinct difference between that of awareness and that of consciousness , awareness

is PRIMAL and ABSOLUTE, while consciousness is relative and always "about

something" reflecting. You can have awareness without consciousness, but you cannot

have consciousness without awareness.

Consciousness is partial and changeful, awareness it total, changeless, calm and silent

and is the common matrix of every experience.

That what is hidden from us, also confronts us every day and we fail to notice, in

plain life is all around us, but we mostly fail to understand what we are truly looking

"AT" Life is Divine Spirit clothed in Koshas and presented into a shape and form .

The HIERACHY partakes in the experience of expressed life and mostly we fail to be

fully aware of this fact.

To become aware to look beneath the presented form and shape of life, if we do that we

will see that all life is totally connected by ONE DIVINE ENERGY. which fully 

embraces all expressed life universally.

The SPIRIT which is that of PURE ABSOLUTE AWARENESS is wholly within the 

Living Matrix of all Life universally .

When we reflect this awareness as that of being consciousness we will then begin to

see and understand the connectivity of all life on Earth. All life is Divine because it 

contains the Spirit of the Absolute ONE, being expressed within this relative universe

so that it can gather experience of tangible expressed life.

ARCHES is about us understanding this principle by deeply reflecting our awareness

into focused consciousness.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 1 February 2023



This blog today entitled SELF is about how Pure Spirit (Source of ALL) becomes 

localized into material form and is then projected into a particular life stream 

expression. Pure Spirit which is another name for the SELF is an Intangible 

Absolute Intelligence  which is Transcendent of this relative universe in which 

is contained within its Absolute BEING. Pure spirit is both omnipresent and 

ubiquitous in its nature. So to become tangible and thereby become localized into

into a relative dimension it needs to become "localized into our space time continuum"

This means that the universal SELF has to become condensed into a relative point 

a super compressed DOT which appears in this continuum as a singularity vortex

This point of spirit compression thereby "pierces the veil"  which is the membrane

that is the barrier between the Absolute and this relative universe.

What all life is, humanity included is that of the Divine "IDEA" of MOTION 

becoming consciousness and then that energy further becoming compressed into 

a "forming shape" and become basically a FRACTAL IMAGE of the SELF  made


Humanity is that of eight billion fractal images of the ONE ABSOLUTE SELF. 

When we can look within ourselves and seek out contact with our INTUITION , by

doing that we will be lead into a gradual realization of just who and what we really 

are. LOCALIZED means that basically your consciousness which is omnipresent 

by nature is compressed into a physical formation which is your physical body, and

we therefore  think that our consciousness is contained within our heads, not realizing 

that all consciousness is universal and absolute.

When we look within ourselves our consciousness level begins  to expand exponentially.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.