Thursday 31 May 2018

Become Love Open Gateway.= B L O G .

What lies behind that most emotive word love? What does love consist of? Does anybody know?
This post is called BLOG, which I believe stands for; become-love-open gateway, how could we
actually become love? That's a good question, if we break down the word love into four words
making then what I think love actually is, to me the word love is expressed like this; Living-Omnipresent-Vibrant-Energy= LOVE.  We then need to look at what a human being actually
is! Well we are certainly consisting of energy, are we not? straight away by being energy we are
already a quarter of the way to being what  love consists of, what then of the other word that of
Living? Well I think we can all agree that we are all living at the moment! This then takes us
to fifty per cent of the way to being what love seems to be, what then of the other fifty per cent
that of vibrant and omnipresent? Well we can most certainly accept that we as all being energy
and then realize that all energy vibrates, thereby being vibrant in nature, this if accepted by us
then takes us  to seventy five per cent of the way to being love.
The last part of this equation is the word omnipresent, which means literally being present
everywhere all at the same time, in other words ubiquitous. Well not many of us can claim that
they are omnipresent, so looks like we cannot wholly complete this equation, but is this really
the case? Physically the answer must be a resounding YES! We can only be present physically
in our own limited physical area, and no more. But what about consciousness, that is present
within everyone on this planet? We all have access to consciousness, and this has no localized
central point, has it? Consciousness can and indeed is omnipresent, most certainly consciousness
is a planetary reality, is it not? So if we include consciousness into the equation we are then the
full one hundred per cent way there to be what LOVE actually IS? So why then are we not
then feeling this abundance of  LOVE? That again is a good question, well the answer is that some
of us here on this planet, actually are being love, and feel and give out this most vital and most
needed energy, while millions of others have hardly a passing acquaintance with this most vital
energy, what can be done about this state of affairs?  How can the presence of that most powerful
energy in the universe, become more magnified and evident upon this planet earth? What can we all do to make this energy vibrate in the hearts of all our fellow humans?
Will go more into this in part two.Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Actual Life Changing Higher Energy Manifesting YOU! =A L C H E M Y . Part Two.

The  entire tradition of alchemy is a symbolic presentation of a practical science, alchemy hides
the knowledge of how to elaborate the full potential of a human being, which is hidden in all of
our atoms and cells. To do that we need to know about transmutation and exactly what it means.
The implications of the word transmutation are far beyond what most esoteric traditions attribute
to it. The word transmutation comes from Latin roots, "Trans" means "thoroughly" and "mutare"
means "change". So transmute  means to completely change something, from a human being
into a divine ancient occult law on this matter says that,"no one can self-realize without
going through the process of transmutation.
Some of you reading this now might think, wow, this is right over the top of my head! Well dear
reader, it might well surprise you that many of you now reading this blog, have already started
the transmutation process, without even realizing it! All of you reading this blog, who regularly
practice meditation or yoga, have already started the changing transmuting process, you are
literally being changed from within-out.
The ancient science of alchemy will be brought up to date, and is already showing signs of
appearing in quantum physics, more connections with the ancient science will be also made.
Quantum physics informs us that we are all made out of energy, the ancients knew this over
ten thousand years ago, and this energy we are all made of, can be "raised up in vibration
frequency" by the practice of meditation and yoga, this means that with intention and practice
and making fundamental changes in the way we think, act, and speak, what we eat, we can then
actually become caught up within this transmutational  upsurge into higher levels of consciousness
and awareness. By this practice and discipline on a daily basis, we actual connect within with our
energy core matrix, which start with basic physical atoms, and by reaching upward towards more
spiritual levels of consciousness and perception, we unconsciously without even knowing how we
do it, begin to lose our dense physical atoms and these are replaced by more refined and higher energy ethereal atoms, we are being transformed by the way we live and by the spiritual practices
that we do every day,  you are actually an alchemist yourself without ever realizing it, by doing this
daily the outer character of yourself which represents the base elements like that of lead, is gradually
transformed into a Golden Soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome, facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Actual Life Changing Higher Energy Manifesting YOU!. A L C H E M Y .

I have a great interest in alchemy for well over four decades now, did a blog last year I believe
regarding alchemy, and thought I would do another one today, as I feel strongly that this most
ancient of sciences will be soon very much be resurrected  by the modern science of quantum
physics, because quantum science and alchemy have a great deal in common, in particular
with that of all being energy, as quantum science has found, alchemy knew this reality ten
thousand years ago.
The Philosopher's Stone, which legend suggests was a red stone object that could actually be
used in order to turn base metals into gold. This I feel was most likely an outer showing for the masses, while the real secret was only ever known to the very few, whether they ever actually
succeeded in making gold out of base metals, is open for debate, certainly they were wise and
clever enough to fool Joe public that they made lead into gold.
The Philosopher's stone , the white stone by the river,the sword in the stone(Merlin and King
Arthur) all have the same meaning, that which contains the knowledge of creation, a symbol
that represents the final outcome of mans inner transformation of the conversion of the base metal
of his outer character to the golden properties of his higher self. It is all about the evolution of
consciousness in the alchemy of our time.
This most ancient science badly need to come into this worlds consciousness, for never have we
so badly needed the power of transformation, to be able to transform and transmute our base outer
lives into the higher energy that exists deeply within us all, by taking up the daily practice of yoga
or meditation, we are then aligning ourselves to begin the inner transforming  process, which is
actually what alchemy is all about, there must be many thousands of us who practice meditation
and yoga daily,completely unaware that they are also practicing alchemy as well!! Because the
bottom line of alchemy is about transformation, and that's also what yoga and meditation  are
about as well. In the outer physical world to find gold you usually have to search deep under
ground or sift through tons of gravel to find enough, we are much like that on the surface we
are the base metal,heavy like lead on a church roof! But if we go within ourselves, by practicing
yoga and meditation, we can gradually uncover the gold that lies within us all.
In part two, will explore this further. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 28 May 2018

Quantum Understanding About Karma Entanglement. =Q U A K E Part Two.

The principal of Karma, or law of Karma, is the notion that all of life is governed by a system of
cause and effect, action and reaction, in which your deeds have corresponding effects on the future.
Karma is a precise science.  What occurs to me here is that with the new findings that are being
discovered in the quantum physics science, in particular that of quantum entanglement where two
particles become entangled and then are forever in correspondence with each other no matter
if they are a thousand light years apart! And this correspondence is instantaneous, regardless of
how far apart they actually appear to be. When we look deeper into Karma and begin to see just
how deep and complex this law is, because we not only are affected by our own actions, we all
have personal karma, family karma, racial karma, and global karma, all the composite whole
impacts on each and everyone of us. We are all connected to each other, exactly like the particles
in quantum science, and are we not all made up from particles? We are energy, and that energy
is expressed as atoms and waves and particles. It would seem to suggest very strongly  that we are
all very much connected to each other, whether we like it or not! The whole human race is quantum
entangled with each other, all seven billion of us, much like seven billion particles all entangled
with each other.
The physical body is the "field" in which the fruit of karma or entanglement is experienced.
"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger" (Buddha)
If only we had eyes to see, we would clearly see all the connections between each and everyone
of us, you would NOT be able to tell where ONE PERSON STARTED AND ANOTHER BEGUN
It would be absolutely impossible to find a GAP between you and your mate, your energy would
mingle in with theirs, and so it is with all seven billions of us so called human beings, all the global
energy signatures of every one of us seven billion or so souls,our energy mingles with everyone
else's, we are all hopelessly entangled. Perhaps it would be an idea here to mention what a great
master once said when asked by his devotee, how should we treat others master? The master replied
there are NO OTHERS???
We effect  and infect each other by our actions, thoughts, words, and deeds. All we can really do is
our best each day, and in our own way, begin untying the rope tangle from our own end, and hope
that the rest will follow suit.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realizatiion

Sunday 27 May 2018

Quantum Understanding About Karma Entanglement. -Q U A K E .

Karma is really about learning through entanglement, and here in this blog i want to show that the
ancient teachings of Karma are now actually running parallel with some of the discoveries made
in quantum physics, in particular the phenomena known as quantum entanglement. If I something
in physical life that violates your free will, we will become entangled, we both will feel a lack
of equilibrium between us, its like we are tied together by a rope? The only way to restore equilibrium is to undo the entanglement, by having you violate my free will in a similar way.
That way we both know through experience what it is like to be both the violator and the
This idea of quantum entanglement marrying up with the law of Karma, also answers that other
law that we in the west tend to use, rather than Karma, that law of cause and effect, so all these
three "laws" could be simply be "entangled" together and just called quantum entanglement,
which would cover all the other two and simplify  that matter somewhat, and maybe enable
some of us in the west to accept the idea more easily if it has scientific backing.
A simple explanation definition of karma  or entanglement could be that it is the mechanism
through which the consequences of behavior inform future potential. Karma or entanglement
is a force of influence that arises out of the decision making history of every unit of consciosness
in this universe, each unit of consciousness generates its own karma, and we are all affected by
one another's karma. The more a unit of consciousness (that's you dear reader) has in common
with another unit of consciousness the more it is affected by the others karma, our aggregate
karma affects all of creation.
This entanglement principle may be the reason why all separation and estrangement is so
difficult, "What God has joined together let no man separate"(Mark 10.9) it implies that we
cannot truly separate what once was joined! When we do entanglement with the other continues
whether we are aware of it or not.
We are all inextricably linked together, co-joined or entangled, we are in fact one complete whole
acting out seven billion experiences all thinking we are separate, but in reality,we are all ONE
UNIT of consciousness.
Will develop this further tomorrow, Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 26 May 2018

Light Inviolate Focused Energy Point Of Departure Singularity. L I F E P O D S Part Two.

Cast out from eternal stillness by arising will-to-be of the Absolute, it's awesome focused thought
wave created motion from within the eternal motionlessness and caught up in its wake ideation
flowed out through the singularity, created by the Absolute intention and involution was motioned
into being. When involution had completed its cycle, and matter had reached a point of super-
density, there ensued a momentary pause, and then evolution was born and set in motion with
the intention of expansion sown within its matrix.
Countless aeons passed, and expansion continued, all was unconsciousness, all was alive, but
no awareness of this reality yet existed, stars were born and died, we were there within them
we were them,( and incidentally still are) countless worlds were formed, eventually what was
to be known as planet Earth was formed, still, all was unconsciousness, alive but not knowing
this reality yet.  From within the Earth which was full of the minerals needed to animate life
as we know it, (a distinction here to note, that in reality, all is alive, even rocks and metals,
but mankind has failed to understand this at the moment) man only understands animate
life, yet crystals are living things? So out of the slime came crawling life, living but totally
unconscious of this fact, and so it continued until the bi-ped man had arrived. Our distant
ancestors were very primitive and operated mainly on one dimension that of the physical
with an embryonic brain with limited capacity, it was sufficient to enable it to find food
and shelter, and to protect itself from attack and of course to procreate. If we fast forward afew million years and come up to date to today, where are we all now? Some would say we
are in a sickened state and in bad need of healing. Mankind now is conscious, and aware
but he is NOT SELF AWARE, we make a grave error in believing we are self-aware, what
we are really saying is that we are personality aware, ego aware, but the vast majority of
humans on this planet have absolutely NO IDEA what a SELF actually Is! The SELF is our
SPIRIT, it is the Divine core of our being, it is the SOUL, and we are all SOULS first,
human vehicles second! "mankind" (a collection of spacesuits) stands now at the crossroads
on what could be a mammoth change in our consciousness and perception, for the first time
ever, since that primal thought wave, that Absolute intention of motioning will-to-be, we are
all actually at a point where we can do something that has never been done consciously before
that of being able to speed up our evolution by going within ourselves, and asking ourselves
the most important question you can ever ask yourself, that of, who am "I"? If you do that, you
will find that Divine SOUL that dwells within you, and when you find that TRUTH, that truth
will set you FREE!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 25 May 2018

Light Inviolate Focused Energy Point Of Departure Singularity. -L I F E P O D S

Within Absolute motionlessness all was absolutely silent, no-thing was there,just that what IS 
which stands for Infinite Spirit. The universe was as yet unborn, all that existed was Infinite
Spirit, the one without another. All was still, motion was as yet unborn. Life, which is the
absolute signature of the Infinite Spirit, was as yet unexpressed, life unexpressed and unknown
to our mortal minds.Then for reasons eternally unknown to us mere immortals, the Infinite 
Spirit, manifested the "will to be" in the form of an absolute THOUGHT, This will to be, was
the birth of all motion, that would soon  emerge from within its departure singularity point
and give BIRTH to a virginal universe, and the beginning of relativity which emerges from
within absoluteness.The singularity that forms around absolute intent to be, is always the
departure point and at that point absoluteness and relativity are in effect almost touching each
other, separated by what I would term as the "borderlands" between ALL and NOTHING a
magnetic bridge that keeps the two from forever merging. This absolute intention of the Infinite
Spirit, this will to be, led to the creation of a virginal universe. Motion was born out of this primary
will to be, and with this motion followed the necessary ingredients for making this possible.
First come the process of involution, where principle within principle was inserted within this
out rolling of the involutional  force, which was the primal thought of the absolute, all these
principles that were wrapped up within this involutional force, were all to become universal
laws like cause and effect, gravity etc, when the out rolling force stopped. Matter which is really
just condensed light, as the out rolling sequence of involution was nearing completion, matter was
super dense, totally unlike it is now, then came a point, in which there was a momentary pause
much like and akin to the phenomena known as "slack water" which occurs within our oceans every day when the incoming tide and the out going tide are both still, and there is not motion of tidal
force,  after this momentary pause, this then signaled the end of the involutionary cycle and then
moved into the one in which we all our more familiar with, that of the evolutionary cycle, this is where we all come into the picture as fragmented life energy emerging into a virginal universe
we have left the place of absolute motionlessness into vast oceans of violent energy surges where
everything moves, and absolutely nothing is STILL.
In part two will venture more deeply into this,Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome, Face book Soul Realizatiion.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Pseudo Experiences Of Personalities Life Entangled. =P E O P L E. Part Two.

Here is what quantum physics says about the physical world and universe we all live in, "everything
in the physical world is made out of atoms, atoms are made out of energy,and energy is made out
of consciousness." Another quote from quantum physics, "The body is an effect, which is created
by a cause, the cause is thought, the body is not able to create, it needs a world of relativity to
experience itself!" Today quantum physics is beginning to agree with the ancient masters of wisdom
who were well aware of this reality, thousands of years ago.
Our ego's and mindful personalities like to place us apart from "others" we are of course different
to you, this is the tune of the ego, and if we listen to that egoic melody for too long, we will
bring pain and sickness into our energy space (the body) and if left unchecked, will eventually
remove us from the planet. It seems that so many of us all want to be different, and in our
encountering experiences, we each indeed do have different experiences, we all seem very different
on the surface, but beneath this veneer we are all exactly the same. The ego does not like this truth
just like the ego does not like it if you start practicing yoga or meditation, it may at first issue
becoming and supportive thoughts, saying things like this will help you relax and enjoy your life
better, but all that will soon change when the ego gets a WHIFF of a higher energy gradually
starting to percolate though your energy matrix, this will feel threatening to the ego, as it will feel
that if you persist in this new wholesome practice, it will no longer be needed or useful by your
newly awakened self! And the ego cannot allow this to occur, so it will start trying to sabotage
your efforts, at first it will be minor irritations, trying to distract you from finally discovering
that you are a divine immortal soul, having a human experience on earth, if these minor irritations
fail to put you off, it will up the stakes.
We are caused to be, by spirit wanting experience upon the earth plane, we are the effects of this
cause, but in the becoming phase, of being born here on Earth, our memory has been wiped clean
and we have all forgotten who we really are, we all now have an opportunity to engage in beginning
to look within us, instead of forever looking outward at the plastic bullshit pseudo world that "seems"
to exist "out there", in truth and in reality, there is no such place as out there! we are all eternally
connected to all in all and that ALLNESS is forever within!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization/

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Pseudo Experiences Of Personalities Life Entangled. =P E O P L E .

What are these pseudo experiences that we all encounter? What percentage of our daily encounters
are actually pseudo then? The shocking answer is that about 99.99999 per cent of all our encounters
globally are pseudo, truthfully the answer would be one hundred per cent false/pseudo, but we can
perhaps hope that some awake soul somewhere is actually encountering reality as it actually IS!
We all live in what could be called a collective illusion, the planet of billions of people all buy into
this collective illusion, basically because we do not know any better, have not been taught as to what
reality actually is, and are all then collectively ignorant of what actually is real.
We all use terms and words like,"they" "others" "me" "you" "them""somebody"mine" "yours"
what is the actual difference between me and you? Now on a relative scale you could say there are
many differences, I am male, perhaps you are female, so outwardly looking and relatively speaking
everyone would agree that this was so, but that is NOT the whole truth of the matter, because although we may well be different looking on the surface, beneath this thin veneer we actually
exist in an absolute state, and in that state all is exactly the SAME!
As mentioned before on these blogs on soul realization, a great master was once asked by his
devout devotee, "Master how should we treat others? The master replied, there are NO OTHERS"!
You me and uncle Tom Cobbly are all the same thing at Source level, differences only "appear"
to be different at the relative level, but if you tune in with the perceptive mind and consciousness
that dwells within you, you will begin to see glimpses of parallels between you and the "other
person" you will begin to feel an affinity with them, and as this conscious expansion grows
gradually there will begin a  blurring of just where does that "other person" end, and "I" begin?
We all become entangled within the web of falsehoods that we all spin around ourselves, and therefore become hopelessly and helplessly stuck in this sticky web of illusion and delusion
which therefore causes hopeless confusion.  Humanity is basically ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE
there is no such thing as OTHERS, that word and concept is entirely false and bears absolutely
no resemblance to absolute reality. There is only ONE LIFE FORCE and we are all totally within
it, death is an illusion also, there is but LIFE ETERNAL.
In part two will explore this further, warmest regardsMichael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

More Alive In Death Expressing Numinosity. = M A I D E N Part Two.

When we talk of those who are so called dead (changed) people, we think of them as literally
being "LIFELESS" , perhaps even a non-entity, the bitter irony of this false assumption though
is that those "so called dead people" are far more alive than YOU ARE!  Millions of us are
nine tenths unawake (dead) like an iceberg the vast majority of us is submerged, the vast
majority of mankind is only fully conscious  on two dimensions instead of three, we are only
physically and mentally conscious, our spirit, spiritual consciousness, awareness of being an
immortal divine soul is absent from our consciousness, as yet unborn.
Where there could be joy in our lives , there instead is fear, fear of dis-ease, and pain, and the
morbid fear of death, "what will become of us" We cry! Will we just be come worm bait?
Of be extinguished by fire in the crematorium? Is that what happens to our loved ones? That
they are just buried or burned? What about the little ones, who die before they have hardly
time to breathe this Earths air? Are they all finished? Just retained in our memories? I can
answer this with a resounding NO, the reality is THIS, everyone who has ever died in the
last few million years or so,is still very much ALIVE TODAY!!!!! some will be here on
earth, others will be in other dimensions of life, of which there are countless dimensions
of being, who was it that said, "In my fathers house there are many mansions, i go and
prepare a place for you"!!  Death is an illusion, it is basically bullshit spun out by those
religious leaders for centuries now, to keep you afraid and cowering to their doctrine of
fear. There is no such thing as DEATH, anywhere in the universe, and it most certainly
does NOT EXIST here on planet earth! The correct word is CHANGE, when we come
to the end of our time here, and that is largely decided by our indwelling immortal soul
the LIFE FORCE, which is the indwelling SOUL, It withdraws its presence from its
vehicle, the physical body, and as soon as that happens the vehicle (car!) starts to decay
and the soul moves on with its other body of expression the Astral body, and continues
living as before, the only difference is that now the consciousness is focused within the
Astral plane, whereas just before the change occurred it was focused in the physical plane.
All of us visit the astral planes every night when we are asleep, so that by the time the end of
our physical incarnation arrives, we are well used to visiting there, it is just that as we awaken
in the morning, a veil is cast over our memory,and we forget where we have been, and who we
had dealings with. If you make a habit of placing a pen and note book beside your bed, and as soon
as you awake, before you rush of to pee, write down as quickly as you can all the thoughts in your head at that time, if you persist with this discipline, you will build up a picture of where you go at
night, and learn some interesting facts. You must be very quick though, you have only literally
minutes to write in down before it fades away.
Warmest regards Michael anyfeedback or questions welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 21 May 2018

More Alive In Death Expressing Numinosity.=M A I D E N

In my past I have been involved in many circles, also known as seances, and been involved with
and spoken to many "so called dead people" some had been dead for centuries, and others just a few
months or so, the most interesting thing about all these communications was that these so called
dead people were very much more alive and intelligent, than us so called living folk who were
sitting there in the circle! The only exceptions to this were those souls who passed in tragic circumstances and were in effect what is called  a limbotic phase, where they are literally
suspended between two realms, the physical and the astral, they are tantalizingly close to
both realms but cannot enter either one, without help. I sat for a short while in what is called
a rescue circle, where seven or nine people sit, and see if there is any lost soul there as if so
they are attracted to the light, given of by the group sitting for this purpose, much like a moth
to a flame or light, I could not continue with this wonderful  work, as I was only a young man
at the time, and found it very disturbing and emotionally upsetting, as when those who have
passed in tragic circumstances, they transmit them onto you temporally which is most upsetting
and painful at times, I have the greatest respect for those loving souls who continue with this
most valuable work, it takes a special kind of soul to do this, I was not that kind of soul.
Mankind in general are scared and frightened of death, that's because the reality of eternal life
is not taught in schools, or colleges or even university, except for some certain faiths that teach
the immortality of the soul, and reincarnation, the vast majority of the western world know less
than nothing about what should be the most important lesson you are ever taught in your life
that of the reality and the immortality of the human divine soul. If we were all taught this truth
and absolute REALITY, the likes of this here blog, being written by me to all you most valuable
dear readers, would be redundant, and I would be at a loose end!! We all need to fully understand
that LIFE, which is a singularity there is only one LIFE. there is NO SUCH THING AS (LIFES)
We all are LIFE, so what does that spell out to you? Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE
And all LIFE by its VERY NATURE of being ALIVE is by nature ETERNAL! What you call
death, is really a meaningless phrase, a non-existent impossibility, the correct word for this
phenomena is change, we change our physical body (vehicle) for our Astral body,and then carry
on living as before.
In part two will venture deeper into this, If perchance anyone reading this, wants to ask anything
then please email me at the below address,or leave a comment. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realization.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Man Only Uses Limited Divinity Inviting Negative Expressions Spiritual Sickness.Mouldiness P 2.

We all become infected by our ineffectiveness, because we do not know or even understand
about the reality of our true identity, and because of this gross ignorance of complete and utter
failure to know this most important truth, we all suffer and die long before we were due to
pass, if we all knew who we are we would all stay in the physical vehicle (body) much longer
than we all do now.
Just like mould that forms on stale bread, or in damp rooms with poor ventilation, the way
mould travels is in spore-like fashion, microscopic spores are ejected into the air, and the
wind spreads it around wherever it blows. Something similar happens to us, but instead of
spores being spread, we instead get negative thinking and negative talking.Because we all live
in an environment where the vast majority of us are all totally ignorant of who they are, we
all send messages to each other, either by speech, or thought, that are out of alignment with
reality, and therefore negative in nature, and too much negativity absorbed within us, causes
dis-eases either, physically, emotionally, or mentally,  that's why tens of millions of us die far
too early, because we are all totally riddled with dis-ease, which we are all infected with and
this infection is spread by each one of us, who is out of alignment with natural universal law
because we are living as just human beings, and not as human immortal divine souls.
Although we all do infect one another, it is however, done innocently and ignorantly,  which
is some consolation I suppose, but the poor soul lying there dying of terminal cancer most
likely does not see it that way!
We all have choices, we all have opportunities, its whether we use them is the question,
if you dear reader are given a choice  to know who you really are, will you then take it?
Will you take or make the effort to realize you true and real identity, and therefore get rid
of that "mould" before it gets into you, where if you do that, and realize that you are indeed
an immortal divine soul, you will then not necessary be spotless but you will be much more
appropriately be spoor-less! And therefore feel and be healthier, and in harmony with
natural laws, then you can tell your friends and neighbours (if they ever listen) the truth
that you have found,  pass it on!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 19 May 2018

Man Only Uses Limited Divinity Inviting Negative Expressions Spiritual Sickness= MOULDINESS.

The mould that infests mankind is like a cancer that eats away at the core of your being, all the
dis-eases that man is inflicted with have largely just one root cause, and that root cause, is basically
that we are all living out of synchronization with natural universal law, because very very few of
us, actually know who we are, and thereby by not living in harmony with our true reflection of
reality, our own ignorance opens us up to becoming mouldy! And that ultimately means that we
will die of some disease like cancer or heart attack, directly because we do not know who we are!
It is not your fault dear reader of this blog, you were never educated by your parents or school,
or college,unfortunately teaching about the reality of the  immortal human soul in NOT on the
curriculum of any of our schools, colleges, or universities, this will however change real soon
and before another decade has passed, this teaching will make its way into a few more open
minded universities, and then more will soon follow.
Ignorance is a mould a blight upon humanity, it wipes out tens of millions of us every year
all the addictive illnesses that we get like, drug addiction, alcoholism, obesity, gambling,
sex and porn,cutting ourselves, mental and emotional illnesses, diabetes, cancer, heart disease
the list is endless, are all directly linked to basically self realization ignorance, we do not know
or even understand who the hell we truly ARE!!! And that real self unknowingness, is cauing
millions of us to die unnecessary.  It is like like lighting a fire in your fireplace  at home (does anybody still have open fires at home these days) with the chimney blocked up, this will then
cause the living room to fill up with smoke, and choke everyone, and if you did not leave that
room, and sought fresh air outside, you would choke to death. Well that's exactly what is
happening to millions of us every year, we are all choking to death because of our fatal
ignorance and blind unknowingness  of who we really are, we can do something about it,
the fact that you are informed here on this blog, enables you to take some action, if you so choose.
We all need to become bold and to tackle this mould  then we will become well and a joy to
behold! My wish and hope dear reader of this blog, is that we can say to ourselves, let in begin
with ME this very DAY! And when we find our true SELF, we help our friends and neighbours
to do the same.
In part two will explore this more. any feed back welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Friday 18 May 2018

Smoke And Mirrors Equated. =S A M E Part two.

What we see, is not what it actually is, reality is always invisible  and has never been seen by
anyone upon this planet earth. What we actually only ever see is,"the outer manifestation of an
invisible inner reality", and this truth applies to everything you have ever seen in your entire
lifetime. Mankind makes a fundamental mistake of giving distinctions to what it calls different
things, this is the very root cause of all our basic ignorance as to what reality actually is, there
is no such thing as thing-S, reality has no S added to its name, there is no such thing as realities
there is just the singular reality. Just the same as there is only one LIFE FORCE within this
universe, there is no SUCH THING as LIFE'S that in a plural cannot and does not exist within
this universe. We have invented billions of names for thing-S and of course it does help in our
every day life to have these names, so that we can all agree that say a carrot is a vegetable and
not a double Decker bus! However if we can also bare in mind, that everything we see and label
with what we agree on it this thing called by this name, that at the back of this outer shape we all
see, within that shape lies the reality of what it actually is. Now what is this singular common
denominator that lies at the back of all physical manifestations? Well the most common scientific
answer is that all is energy, and that this energy lies at the back of ALL MANIFESTATIONS
and is the substance of all of the so called thing-S that we witness every day of our life.
I see this as that certainly all is energy, however I see that energy has what i would term as a
three fold nature, it can be solid looking and be what we call matter, it can also be consciousness
and flow like a liquid, and can also be like a gaseous state and be called Spirit, all three states are
contained within the energy signature, very much like water, ice, and steam.
It is only in stillness and simplicity that we can understand reality, and thereby understand ourself
basically all you have ever witnessed in your lifetime is energy, many so called different thing-S
but in truth all the same thing, energy/consciousness, spirit, depending on its vibration density
slower vibrations denser, higher vibrations more ethereal.
If we can come out from beneath the smoke and mirrors of mass deceptions in which this world
in deeply plunged into,we can then begin to see that we are all connected to one absolute whole
everything is totally connected to everything else, and that all life is eternal in nature, that death
is just a meaningless word which really means CHANGE, when we CHANGE (die) we continue
living in another dimension that's all, remember quantum physics tells us that all is energy and that
energy cannot ever be destroyed, only converted, I hope and pray dear reader of this blog, that you too will be converted to thing reality.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Smoke And Mirrors Equated. = S A M E .

There is an ancient occult maxim which states, "Truth is hidden in plain sight, and we see it not"
we "see" this truth every day of our life, and yet we see it not! What then is this truth, that we
are all not seeing? To answer this most vital and important question, we need first to recognise
what it is we are actually seeing in the first place?  If I asked you to look at say ten shapes and
forms, say you looked at a car, a banana, wrist watch, shoes, dog, cat, butterfly, brother,sister,
paving stone, what would you say  was a common denominator between all these shapes and
forms? Maybe you would say that there was not one,because all these things were different
things, therefore there is no common denominator between them, well if you said that, you would
be very wrong, because the common denominator was that all these shapes and forms, which
we thing are different things, are absolutely NOT, they are ALL THE SAME THING, and that
is ENERGY! A car and a banana are both made out of energy! The only difference is that the
banana has a higher vibration rate than the car, this is the only difference. What is hidden from
us in plain sight, is that all that we see, all that we hear, all that we touch, all that we taste,
all that we smell, is all the same thing, that of energy, the only difference is the vibration rate
of denser and lighter expressions,we need to understand that in reality there is no such THING
as THINGS, reality by its very nature on being REAL, can only be in the singular, a singularity
there can be absolutely be NO PLURALITY in REALITY, there is no such thing as THING-S
that would be absolutely impossible, and does not ever happen in reality. We are all very
confused about this truth,all there is, is energy, and energy is just another word for Light
solid looking shapes are just made of condensed or congealed light,and light and consciousness
are really one on the same thing. We as human beings, are energy, expressed through light and
consciousness, our physical bodies or vehicles are made of denser energy or light,that our
soul or spirit. What we "see" as "different" things, are in truth ALL THE VERY SAME THING
the only difference between the vehicle that is YOU, and the car the VEHICLE you drive to
work in, is in the vibration rate and density of the two shapes, you are a higher vibration rate
your car is lower, that's all the real difference. You too of course have animated consciousness
and free will, which your car has not, but both of you are ENERGY! The smoke and mirrors
are the blindness that we all have when it comes to understanding what is reality.
In part two will explore this further. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Vesica Intertwined Piscis. V I P (Mirror of Consciousness) Part Two.

From the Latin, Vesica means Bladder, and Piscis means fish, hence we get the words "bladder
of fish". The Vesica Piscis represents divine union its two identical interlocking circles signify
two polarities, the magnetic and the electric coming together to form a trinity, this sacred
geometrical pattern occurs when a planet is being born,and when the first two cells of a
human being divide in the womb, in effect and in fact, we could not be born without the
actions of union between matter (us) and spirit uniting together and giving birth to the
third aspect of this in-FORM-ed trinity the birth of the baby. We are all here courtesy of
the Vesica Piscis, which also means womb!
We are born out of two circles, the Vesica Piscis, the circles stand for unity,oneness,eternity,
wholeness,and completeness,the upper circle represents the spirit and the other one represents
the physical reality, the intersection or overlapping represents the union of spirit and matter
this unification gives birth to material life (you and me!)
It behoves us all to make this most vital connection between our physical material self, and
our immaterial spiritual spirit self, which dwells within us, and can be found by looking
within our hearts, and using our consciousness to penetrate beneath the thin veil of surface
consciousness, and go down deeper into where our actual life force dwells, within our heart
chakra, that is the seat of our soul.
We have all lost our most vital connection to the wholeness of life, we fail to see that we are
LIFE, the very embodiment of it, and we further fail to see that most vital connection that we
in the entire UNIVERSE, it just cannot ever HAPPEN and has never happened in the last
fifty trillion years! ALL things are connected to ALL THINGS, that is the Divine mathamatical
equation, or sacred maths as some call it.
As  the enlightened master Bhagavan Sri Ramana once said when asked by a devotee the question
"how should we treat others master? The master replied, there are no OTHERS!" The human
family is one family, there is no such thing as others, that idea and concept is entirely false and
bears no resemblance to what is reality.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

VESICA INTERTWINED PISCIS =V I P .(Mirror of Consciousness)

The Vesica Piscis represents balance and creation, mankind intertwined with spirit  making
two interlocking circles, man and spirit that will eventually merge and meld into one
composite whole. Imagine that in the vesica piscis one of the spheres represents the
feminine magnetic energy,and one of the sphere represents the masculine electric, when
these two energies unite, a third is always born.This energy is Light(or sound) which is
one of the same thing,just a different rate of frequency, light is in-FORM-ation , light
contains the Divine Intelligence blueprints which structure life and consciousness.
From the original point of separation from SELF (GOD/Absolute)is the start of all energy.
The symbol of the vesica pisces looks like two overlapping circles and represents the
formation of the PRIME RADIANT  or very first particle resulting from the first act
of creation which was the first separation from the Great Oneness. We as human beings
instinctively feel this separation from the whole, and that is the meaning and the feeling
of all our LONGING, longing is the emotion or rather the LOVE feeling that want to
urgently unite and blend back into the ocean of life, from which we all emerged aeons ago.
By reaching within ourselves, we are actually beginning the unification process that will
bring our understanding and consciousness onto a higher plane of awareness and perception
of other higher frequencies will automatically come online to us,as we ascend in our vibrations.
Energy is created by our observation of it because consciousness separating from itself is
the actual source of this universal energy.
The vesica piscis can be seen as the (womb of the universe) from which all motioning life
springs from, and expands and grows as it gathers experience, we as a thing called humanity
have been gathering experiences for countless billions of years, and are now at a point where
a great transition will begin, where individual human beings will begin the search within
themselves, reveal who they really are, and in so doing make a quantum jump in their
consciousness, and begin aligning themselves to that spirit within them, that way they will
gradually unite the two interlocking circles, and will become one composite whole again.
The whole of mankind today stands at the GATE that will open up man to move into man-divine
rather than man-human, we all now have that opportunity will you now take this opportunity
dear reader of this blog, I hope so for your sake, and for us all, may the light shine bright for
you on your journey now.
In part two will explore this further, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realisation.

Monday 14 May 2018

Who Honestly Is Man. =W H I M . Part Two.

Who honestly is man? Who am I? How many times have we asked ourselves this question?
Our problems start at birth, we see what appears to be a feeding person, our mothers, we quickly
learn to associate food with this mother person, ans therein our problems begin to mount.
The first thing that impresses us is that this feeding person, will often disappear from view,
and this makes us cry, already we are experiencing what is "FELT" like being separated from
our mother, and food! That's just the beginning of our problems, they then begin growing
exponentially and we find ourselves different and apart from everything that is not ME!
Before our birth here upon the Earth plane, we as divine souls had what could be called
cosmic consciousness, access to unlimited knowledge and wisdom,but as soon as we were
focused into form, and given a vehicle to inhabit while gathering experience here, the shutters
came down upon our awareness and consciousness, we were in effect, closed down, steeped
down from our ultra high vibrational rate, to the slow and sluggish rate of human existence.
We went from being universal souls within the WHOLE of BEING, without ego or mind
to become fragmented so called individuals, who felt separate and apart from the rest of
humanity. Our actions, are based on our emotions which stem from our belief,every single
emotion is an indication of a definition you believe to be true about yourself, in relation to
your circumstances. We create our ego's and mind because we have become "lost" before
our centre was universal and ubiquitous, now we just see separation and apart-ness so
we create through memory and identification with this "ME"a pseudo self, a personality
is born within the created receptacle within the brain called egoic mind, we totally abandon
what were were before, a universal soul, whole and complete, and through ignorance and
blind conditioning from our peers, we merge into what we think is a personality being,
separate and apart from everything else. Our only hope of ever being redeemed from this
pseudo apparition which we call reality and home, it to look within us, and begin the process
of re-connection  to the WHOLE, to recognise that we are all eternal souls, with physical bodies
vehicles, here to learn the value and experience of wholeness, and to share this understanding
with your friends and family. Ego and mind are constructs created here in order for you to find
out who you really are, when all the egoic and mental masturbation's start to feel hollow to you
then we will instinctively feel the need to re connect with the whole, and start the process of
looking within yourself for the answer to the question, WHO AM I?
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realisation.

Sunday 13 May 2018


I have mentioned many times in these blogs who we are, and what we are,and that is we are
all Divine souls, having what could be called, a human experience, here on the Earth plane.
What I would like to do here in this blog is to try and see why we are the way we are and
what is the ego and mind.
Because I see the ego and mind as constructs created by  our experiences of living within
a very confined space, that of the physical body.
Here we need to understand that mankind is if fact just a name for the vehicles (spacesuits)
that the immortal soul uses for experiencing this earth plane, and to do that it needs a (body)
which is just another name for vehicle. We as souls/spirits have NEVER had a beginning
and will NEVER experience an ending of its consciousness. We are all eternal being/s.
What does have a beginning is the vehicle being used, it is born experiences and then is
exited by its host the soul, and the physical body decays.
In the process of being born upon the Earth plane, the vastness of the souls awareness and
consciousness, its rapid vibrational frequency is stilled to almost nine tenths of its normal
frequency, and this is where the feeling and idea of separation begin to filter into the
virginal experiences of the newly formed vehicle.
Mind is thought and for thoughts to have a landing place an identity must be in play to
run its conditioned program, thoughts are simply the movement of memory and knowledge
these shadows byproducts of identity/mind give birth to and enforce the perpetuation of
ego/mind identity or the transitory self.
True knowingness does not occur within the mind,if we are thinking in order to uncover
the root of thought, one could say we are already in the wrong room!
By being confined within the vehicle/body we loose sight of our previous reality as souls
living in another dimension of expression, we experience what is called the experience of
what seems to be  the "subject/object paradigm, which enforces the illusion of being apart
from the whole, we think and what's more feel that we are separated from one and another
which of course gives birth to the feeling of isolation and loneliness .
In truth of course it is absolutely impossible to become separated from the Source of all
LIFE,but the illusion of feeling apart from the whole, "seems" very real!
In part two will explore this idea further,warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Divinity Uses Atoms Literally Including Transforming You.=D U A L I T Y , Part two.

Our belief in duality has robbed theology of its power,and has polluted philosophy with untruths
it has divided science against itself, and has made countless millions go through life with
saddened hearts, yet we still cling to this polarity based duality, which is an illusion, it does
not exist within reality, absolute reality that is, this relative reality is really a Pseudo reality
that we all "play around in" believing it to be real!
The universe as we see it does not exist! Only the supreme absolute exists.The world is waking
up to the fact that things are not what they seem to be, that matter and form are but one substance
appearing and disappearing, and that form is simply used to explain something  which is
formless, but self conscious Life.
Wholeness is what we are all lacking, when we are whole, then we are unified within the
WHOLE, this unification is oneness, we are then one with all, and in that state of oneness
and wholeness there exists NO TRACE OF DUALITY, just absoluteness only.
Another perhaps more accurate name for duality would be fragmentation, because that is
what is happening in our world today, massive and global fragmentation, we are literally
falling apart at the seams.
Duality is part of the schooling procedure used within this planet earth classroom, so that
we can rub up against illusory polar opposites and learn lessons, grow and eventually find
out who we really are.We are all here to learn that we are all spirit beings, and that spirit
is eternal and absolute, there is NO duality present within Spirit period!  We are spirit
beings having what could be called a human experience, here on earth and we are all
here to learn this truth, to know ourselves, repair the gaping hole that exists within
mankind, become whole and balanced within harmony and unity with universal laws,
then when we find out this truth, perhaps you could share it with your neighbour.
The fact is that there is no duality within reality! What we call duality is an illusion
pulled down over our befuddled eyes,and when we wake up from our long slumber
we will realise this fact, and adjust our conscious understanding to allow for this.
There are NO OPPOSITES in reality, no polarities, no this or that,there is just LIFE
and that life is a singularity, there is but ONE LIFE ONLY, and we are all within IT!!!
Warmest regards Michael, any feed back welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Friday 11 May 2018

Divinity Uses Atoms Literally Including Transforming You ! =D U A L I T Y .

There is in absolute truth no such thing as duality and relativity, for reality is absolute and is
eternally unchanging and forever still and motionlessness. However we are all "seem" to live
in what we call a relative universe which is dual in nature and has polarities which present
themselves between two poles one being negative, and the other positive.Hence we get male
and female,on and off, other opposites each expressing differing points, but are all within
one basic continuum, like love and hate, these two are actually the same thing, at one end
of the continuum you have endearing love, and the other extreme end you have rabid hatred.
All polarities eventually unite as one, if you pursue them into the next dimension, all presented
duality is basically an illusion, all smoke and mirrors, it is for us to use our consciousness and
see through the smoke and the charade being presented.
The great bard William Shakespeare said, Quote, "The world is but a stage, and we are its
players"unquote, This is what this planet actually is, a planetary stage, or school,and we are all
here to learn our lines! And what are our lines we all need to learn? Well there may be many
things we all need to learn, but one thing stands out above all others, and that is we all
absolutely need to know just who exactly we are? Because this is the main reason we are here
in the first place. Until we can truthfully know our real identity we will be forever be locked
into a relatively based continuum of forever running up and down endless poles of expression
one day being loving, and the next day being resentful and hating your neighbour.
We have all lived many lives within this staging school planetary place of experience gathering
and we can continue this yo yo existence for as long as you can take it! When you have had
enough of the smoke and mirrors bullshit, we can begin to extradite ourselves from this vale
of tears. Usually this decision comes at the end of a serious crisis, where we are confronted
with a life or death situation, this crisis makes us stop and think about what we are doing in our
lives, what needs to change to improve things in our life, there are also others, who for some
reason seem to be in the minority, these fortunate ones seem to have the insight to bring about
change in their lives, before any major crisis, comes a calling to them.
In part two of this blog,will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome Face book Soul Realisation.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Evading Vampirious Eddies Rigorously.= E V E R Part Two,

Whether we know it or not, we are all caught up in the River of Life, and just like a physical
river it flows with a regular current. Another name for this river of life is evolution, we are
all evolving into what we truly are, and that is spiritual beings, which in this case the means
literally that we are of the SPIRIT, we all our spirit beings, having what could be called a
human experience upon the Earth plane.Another name for us often used is SOULS which
is and really means in essence that of spirit.
Apart from all other names about who and what we really are, there is one fundamental
reality about all of us that is beyond doubt and condition, and that is our primary being
is held in stasis and coherence by energy, we are consisted of one hundred per cent of
ENERGY, and nothing more, spirit is energy in its virginal and purest formless form.
So we are all made up totally from energy, and this energy emerges all around and within
us, it vibrates in a vast array of differing frequencies depending on the density and
dimension it is coursing through, physical bones and flesh, are a much slower vibration
than say thoughts, which are more ethereal by nature.
Now all the time this energy flow is consistent, we remain healthy and well,fairly content
and living with minimum disturbances, but if we begin to veer of course, and in effect
disturb the flow around us, now how we veer of course depend on many factors, and cannot
deal with them all  here, suffice to say, that if we start repeating a pattern, like maybe
worrying about what others think of you, if this pattern is unchecked, an eddy will form
around you, and begin its circular motioning.Countless millions of us are at this moment
caught up in an eddy, with there life blood being slowly sucked out of there body, by this
invisible vampire called an eddy. One fool proof way you can check if you are caught up in
an eddy, is to honesty look at your life pattern, are you literally going around in endless
circles, and getting no where fast! if you answer yes to that question, then you are definitely
within the grip of an eddy, once you can acknowledge this, you can then take steps that will
lead you back into the flow of life again. You may need counselling if it is very deep and
been affecting you for years,or maybe chat about it with family or friends, if these forces are
left unchecked, they increase their intensity and at the climax of this the eddy transforms
itself into a violent maelstrom which by this time your life will be severely threatened..
Sometimes an eddy presents itself to us,because we have become stuck in a rut, and the eddy
will push us into thinking about changing the way we live, in this way the eddy has done us
a favour.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome Facebook Soul realisation.


Vampirious eddies form in living river
swirling vortexes that will deliver
removing life force, from human host
if it cannot escape,it will be toast!

While we remain flowing in the river
of life, all will be well.little strife.

But if we are caught in an eddy
a deadly twister,the vampires fangs
will give us more than a blister.

The swirling motion of the eddy acts
like a vampire sucking out our blood
energy gone,hopes are smashed, if we
cannot escape, our life will crash.

When our life is in circling motion
that's the clue we are out of the ocean
we are caught in an eddy,repeating
mistakes,we need to act fast, and get
back in the flow, before the vampire
deals us a deadly blow.

Hope you liked the poem
Warmest regards Michael. Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 9 May 2018


Our life flows in what could be called, the river of life, this current carries us along at a steady
rate of knots, bringing in its wake all manner of experiences, which hopefully will  help us
grow. This river of life, could also be called the river of evolution, because that's exactly what
it is, as we flow along, we also grow in experience and understanding, as we go with the flow
so to speak, we open up, and expand our awareness and consciousness.Here though we can
and do often encounter a difficulty, which I mentioned in yesterdays blog, concerning the
phenomena known as eddies, spiralling vortexes of circulating energy, we can and often do
get caught up in an eddy, which when we do,effectively removes us OUT OF the flow of life
and evolution, and this leads to problems, that begin with minor ones, and if not dealt with
become more severe and eventually life threatening, the eddy progresses into its next phase
which then becomes a maelstrom, which will then literally tear you to pieces.
I have studied and been immensely interested in the phenomena of eddies, and how they
impact upon the human race, this has kept me focusing upon it for the past forty years or
more. I have witnessed first hand the impact of eddies within my own lifetime, and also seen
and counselled many others whose lives have been negatively affected by  their own
encountering with eddies.
A healthy human being, who eats moderately and exorcises regularly, will be filled to capacity
with what could be called  vital energy, this vital energy is the life force that animates the
human body, the CHI as it also can be called. Now when someone is living, or is gradually
going out of sync with the main flow of life's river, there begins a slowing down in the life
current stream of the one about to be affected, this slowing down will then begin to form a
circular motion, and gradually form into a whirlpool or vortex, commonly called an eddy
this swirling effect has a devastating impact upon the one now caught up in the eddies
grasp,for the swirling motion of this vortex begins to draw out the vital energy the life 
force  from its host, this can be likened to centrifugal force which will expel an object
(you) away from the rotation. Here is where the word vampirious comes into the picture
because just like a vampire sucks out the blood of its victim, this force within the eddy is
literally and factually sucking out the life force within your body, you are gradually being
drained out of vitality and living energy. And if this were to continue unchecked, you would
eventually die, you would have been sucked dry by that swirling vampire!
In part two will explore this further.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Realise Emotions Are Life. = R E A L Part Two,

Emotional reality, unlike physical reality is created rather than observed, by in large we create
the the emotional reality in which we live, unfortunately the choice of which reality we create
is usually made by default, a kind of habitual autopilot derived from our temperament,
metabolism, and experience,our human brain filters information within our default choices
processing that which conforms to them,and excluding that which deviates from them.
Which often keeps us pretty much stuck in a rut.
As was said yesterday on this blog, we create the reality we all experience, by the emotions
we choose to use at any given time. We need to always bare in mind that emotions are energy
and this energy is directed by us in the focus and the force and intensity of the arising emotion.
Emotions can create a healthy happy balanced life for us, where we are healthy and full of
energy, or our emotions can cripple us, cause intense pain and sickness, extract all energy from
our bodies, making us weak and ineffective and prone to illness and dis-ease. We are in fact
the creators of our lives, as we think, so we become.
Emotions can been seen as a flowing river carrying forms of  living life within its mighty
current, when we are balanced and our emotions are steady and checked by integrity, we
remain flowing gently within the main flow of the living river of life.
However if we lose our balance, and emotions get out of our control, we cause an eddy to
arise around us, the main life current forms a swirling vortex around us, this is what an eddy
actually is, a swirling vortex,and we then become entrapped within this eddy, which if not
dealt with in time, will grow into what could be called a maelstrom, at that point our physical
life becomes in jeopardy. If we are caught in an eddy,we effectively remove ourselves from
within the flow of life( albeit mostly unknown to us) and being removed from the flow, we begin
to suffer the consequences of that separation, which is the appearance of illness either physically
mentally, or emotionally, caught in an eddy literally means going around in endless circles, and
the longer we remain in this eddy, the circles begin to close in and become tighter, ending up
in a full blown maelstrom if left unchecked. If anyone one reading this here identifies with the
feeling of being caught in an eddy, then please get help like some counselling, or talk about it with a close friend, the sooner this condition is dealt with, the sooner you get back into the flow of life and
get back into the harmonic flow of this energy rich emotional life force.
That which is real, is emotional, for emotion is energy and energy is consciousness, and consciousness is spirit, and spirit is LIFE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook Soul realisation.

Monday 7 May 2018

Realise Emotions Are Life. = R E A L

This blog is about our emotions, and that how our emotions shape reality around us, and also
that our emotions shape and alter our DNA as well. Human emotion literally shapes the world
around us,not just our perceptions of the world, but reality itself.
We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings! DNA literally shape the behaviour of
light photons that make up the world around us, and we shape our DNA by our emotions
therefore we all create our reality by feeling the arising emotions, and then acting upon the
direction they indicate.
Love is a frequency,and light is a frequency, they both exist as electromagnetic broadcastings
of energy,the whole planet is a living library that can be activated by adjusting the genetic
signature of the one life form.
A recent science study concluded that our DNA is affected and altered by our emotions, they
further concluded that DNA operated outside of time and space, and that emotions actually
do create around us, what we call reality.
The beginnings of this realisation go back to the now famous Double Slit Experiment
performed by Davisson and Germer in 1927 in which they showed that energy can actually
be either seen as a wave, or a particle, depending on who was observing the experiment
one would see a wave, the other would see a particle, in fact it could appear as both
simultaneously, it was to become a turning point in science and became known as the
Thought Experiment. What it proved was that we create our reality by our thinking
and that further still,our thinking is activated by our emotions.
Feelings can be seen as energy directors, and the direction is vectored into expansion of
constriction, positive or negative by the prevailing emotion showing dominance at that
Our whole DNA signature is swayed and altered by our emotions, the greater the emotion
like furious rage, which would profoundly change our DNA, and therefore create disease and
illness as well if this type of behaviour was frequent.
I guess it is hard for us to accept that we actually create our own reality, of course if our reality
was one of vibrant health and vitality, with abundance flowing through our life,then it would be
far easier for us to accept that we create this state of affairs, but what about the other soul whose
life is filled with pain and suffering, living in squalor and begging for food? It would be well
nigh impossible, for them to accept that they created their own reality. But this indeed seems to be the case.
In part two will explore this further, warm regards Michael. any feedback welcome,facebook Soul realisation.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Individuality Doesn't Exist Anyway. =I D E A Part Two.

In part one of this blog on the theme of IDEA, it was mentioned that there are over seven billion
or so human beings on this planet, but actually there is only just ONE LIFE FORCE present
upon this planet, if that is so, and evidence supports this reality, what then are we to make of
what we call our individuality? Who is this "our" that has something called individuality?
Have you ever met an "our" or even better "they" how many they's, make a "OUR"?
We each have experiences, that differ from each or us, we all have what could be called
collectively experiences of "living within this thing called LIFE, which by its very nature
is singular, there is no such thing as life's! There is NO plurality in reality! LIFE is
universally singular. So maybe our collective experiences go into the melting pot of
this universal force called LIFE, of which some would call GOD or Absolute.
If our collective experiences go into the wholeness of Life, the the whole benefits from
this input, and we as portions of this universal life force also benefit from this through a
process that could be called collective consciousness, or another word for a "HIVE MIND"
Singularity seems to be the way reality presents itself to us all, for not only is LIFE one
but consciousness also seems to be just one force, a universal consciousness, that we tune
into via a physical brain that can pick up the electromagnetic signals that consciousness uses
when its in motion.
The idea of individuality was no doubt born with the narrow confines of our self created ego's
which along with its cohort that thing called a personality, these two bogey men which we all
create within us, circle around a vortex of swirling  energy in which the ego goes around in endless
circles making sure its influence stays intact, and is not threatened by any ideas of a unified whole!
Our ego's need and want to keep us separate and apart from which is reality, ego's cannot tolerate
reality, because it know that once you touch the hem of realities garment its days as an separate entity are over.
Being separate and apart from life is in truth totally impossible, but nevertheless we all feel this
at times, and this feeling seems very real to the one feeling it, so much so that some take their own life because of these feelings of total isolation and desolation, this is sadly the result of our own
ignorance as to what LIFE actually is, and our failure to see and feel the connection we have to
the whole, we are all totally connected and interconnected to each other by the eternal principle
which we call LIFE, which is really just another word for GOD or Absolute.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Individuality Doesn't Exist Anyway. =I D E A .

Are we all individuals? Are some of us more individual than others? Does uniqueness mean
the same as individuality? These questions at times form in many of our minds, like there
seems to be an inner urge or need to be different from the rest, but are we ever that different?
Are we defined by our experiences? The common factor we all share, is that we all experience
experiences throughout our live, the experiences of someone like Albert Einstein, who was
recognised as a genius, to that of say someone who worked of a farm all their life, would be
vastly different and life changing, however the common denominator is that they both had
There is only one force called life, and we are all firmly entrenched within it, we are all caught
up in what is known as duality. We are both humanly human, and also humanly divine, the
humanly human seems to have a need to be different, which no doubt spring up from within
the ego, and its cohort that thing which we call personality, the humanly human part of us,
imagines that it is somehow separate from the whole, (which of course is absolutely impossible
and cannot occur in reality) and imagining ourselves apart from the whole, we seem to have
a need to stand out from the rest. Our ego's like us to be noticed, look at me! I am different!
Is this what individuality actually is? Or is it something different?  Because the whole of
humanity has experiences, does that then make them individuals? If we are indeed all facets
of the one whole jewel called life, can there actually be such a thing as individuality?
We may well seem to be all different, come from different races and cultures, be different
colours, speak different languages, but if you just peel away the surface veneer, are we not
all the same beneath the skin? Are your experiences better than mine? Are you better than
me because you can run faster? Each of us may well be unique in the way we acted and reacted
as a result of our experiences, but are we not really just all contributing our experiences into
one great pool of experiences that merge into and meld into one composite whole we call
Although humanity upon this Earth plane numbers  over seven billion or so,there is actually
only one thing called Life upon this planet, so what does that suggest to you, dear reader?
In part two will look at this question. warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soulrealisation.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Life Is Spirit Truthfully Expressing Numinosity. =L I S T E N , Part Two,

All life expressed and unexpressed is spirit, and we are no exception to this universal and fundamental principle. Humanity consists of seven or more billion vehicles which we call
human bodies, and collectively call mankind, or humanity, but the reality that seems to
escape our notice, is that all these human bodies, which are called mankind collectively
are in fact just ONE Actual Thing and that is spirit!
If we can just but LISTEN to that still small voice within, we will then be gently guided
into the direction of soul realisation, we will then begin to realise who we really are, and
begin to see that the reality of who we really are, is so vastly different to who we thought
we were.
One of the great benefits of this modern time is the gradual merging and melding of
religion and science, these two modes of teaching are gradually beginning to unite
in particular the science of quantum physics, science informs us that all is energy and
that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted, thereby energy is eternal and also
ubiquitous by nature, religion says that spirit or God is ubiquitous and present everywhere
and that being so, spirit and energy seem to actually be one of the very same thing.
There is only ONE LIFE, and we as a collected whole (although this reality,is not realised
by most of us) are each experiencing what we believe to be an individual experience of
what we perceive to be a separate personal reality,( of which it is most certainly not)
the very word separate is actually totally meaningless in reality, separation from what?
Separation from reality? Separation from the absolute, God? Separation from energy?
separation from your neighbour? We cannot and have not ever been separated from reality
or from each other, that is totally and absolutely impossible. Now the "feeling" of being
apart from something, does feel exceedingly real, feeling lonely and isolated, does feel
very real, we have all felt these things, however, because we feel this feeling, does not
make it real! We can say that it is relatively real, but not absolutely real.
Because we do not know ourselves to be spirit FIRST and human second, we fail to see
the connecting energy of the whole, and thereby see what appears to be a fragmented part
of something which is unknown to us.
May we please all take the opportunity to look within ourselves, and discover what really lies
beneath this facade called humanity! AKA,  Space suits for souls.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Life Is Spirit Truthfully Expressing Numinosity.= L I S T E N .

What is mankind? What does it consist of? There are over seven billion of us human beings
here on this planet called Earth, but who and what are we all exactly? To me what we all are
is basically energy manifesting in what is called a physical body, and this body is known
collectively as mankind. Mankind then is a collection of energy units, all manifesting in
what we term a physical body. Now what I see in this physical body is that it is a
vehicle for encapsulating a higher form of energy, which is often called the soul.
The energy which provides the vehicle is of a far lower frequency and vibration  than
that which is the real occupier of the body the soul.
I know its hard to realise that basically what we call humanity is in truth just a collection
of vehicles being used by higher forms of intelligent energy called souls, and therefore as
this is true, then our vehicles are no more important that say a used cars scrap yard!
The transformation of the vehicles (mankind) is now firmly underway, and with the
invention and use of the internet, a quantum leap forward has occurred, we now all
have access to almost unlimited information and knowledge, which if we each take
advantage of this, we can open our minds to fresh ideas and embrace the wisdom of
the past, which has been hidden from us for centuries.
If we are serious about really getting to know who we really are, then the internet can
and will point you in the right direction. If we ask ourselves the question, who am I?
We can find the answer on Google if you prefer!
We are all energy units, divine souls who are all entangled and connected to each other
by the connecting force of this universal field of living intelligent energy, or spirit for
short.  Quantum science is beginning to understand this connection to the ONE SOURCE
and will soon announce this to a stunned audience.
We need to understand that nothing can or ever has occurred in isolation, there is no such
thing as isolation in this universe, everything is connected to everything else, there are NO
GAPS, no spaces, our feelings of being alone and isolated only occur because of our
ignorance of how life and reality actually work, they are all illusions, but they feel very real
to us, I know this from my own personal experience, I have felt alone and isolated, but now
know the truth about us and everything within the universe  being totally connected and unified.
In part two, will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Zeropoint Energy Reacts Opening Inner Numinosities Gateway.=Z E R O I N G Part Two.

Following on from yesterdays blog on zeroing in, what needs to be understood is that we are
all made up entirely of energy, and that unless that energy is somehow balanced  and flowing
without resistance, we will begin to feel the impacts of any imbalance, which will manifest
within our energy matrix (called the physical body) in the form of illness and dis-ease, which
will range from just a mild headache to full blown terminal cancer,depending how displaced
the energy fields within us are unbalanced.
Energy is consciousness, and consciousness is energy, that is what we are, consciousness
flowing within a energy field, that field is infinite and absolute, it just appears to be relative
to us, but that is an illusion.
Our energy field in which we all flow within, is called evolution, which is just another word
for expansion, if we can expand our consciousness through thing like yoga and meditation
we will begin to penetrate deeper into what are called higher energy vortexes which will
pave the way for us to eventually slip in or slide into zero point energy. Through the
daily practice of yoga and meditation we can begin to balance our energies, so that our own
energy signature becomes fully balanced and coherent, which will then lead to inner and
outer harmony, healthy and free from illness and dis-ease.
 The Pineal gland plays a very important role in our journey into expanded consciousness
this gland is the gatekeeper and allows access into other dimensions of consciousness and
perception, if we make a daily practice of meditation and yoga, we will gradually stimulate
this gland and it will eventually open our third eye of Shiva.
Our ideas of empty space are simply wholly mistaken, the word SPACE is totally meaningless
if you take it to mean, total and absolute emptiness, what we call the vacuum of space is
actually filled to absolute capacity with energy, this energy is technically known as plenum.
We all live within an infinite and eternal ocean of energy, we are expressed as singularity points
of energy, each point is a human being,and there are seven or so billion points of energy here on
earth, the point of our point is to ultimately realise that all these seven billion points of energy
will ultimately coalesce as one complete whole. In the meantime before that whole wholeness
comes about, we can balance ourselves first, and take up the discipline of daily meditation or yoga
and start our individual journey towards zero point harmony and along the way get well healthy
and whole.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.