Friday 11 May 2018

Divinity Uses Atoms Literally Including Transforming You ! =D U A L I T Y .

There is in absolute truth no such thing as duality and relativity, for reality is absolute and is
eternally unchanging and forever still and motionlessness. However we are all "seem" to live
in what we call a relative universe which is dual in nature and has polarities which present
themselves between two poles one being negative, and the other positive.Hence we get male
and female,on and off, other opposites each expressing differing points, but are all within
one basic continuum, like love and hate, these two are actually the same thing, at one end
of the continuum you have endearing love, and the other extreme end you have rabid hatred.
All polarities eventually unite as one, if you pursue them into the next dimension, all presented
duality is basically an illusion, all smoke and mirrors, it is for us to use our consciousness and
see through the smoke and the charade being presented.
The great bard William Shakespeare said, Quote, "The world is but a stage, and we are its
players"unquote, This is what this planet actually is, a planetary stage, or school,and we are all
here to learn our lines! And what are our lines we all need to learn? Well there may be many
things we all need to learn, but one thing stands out above all others, and that is we all
absolutely need to know just who exactly we are? Because this is the main reason we are here
in the first place. Until we can truthfully know our real identity we will be forever be locked
into a relatively based continuum of forever running up and down endless poles of expression
one day being loving, and the next day being resentful and hating your neighbour.
We have all lived many lives within this staging school planetary place of experience gathering
and we can continue this yo yo existence for as long as you can take it! When you have had
enough of the smoke and mirrors bullshit, we can begin to extradite ourselves from this vale
of tears. Usually this decision comes at the end of a serious crisis, where we are confronted
with a life or death situation, this crisis makes us stop and think about what we are doing in our
lives, what needs to change to improve things in our life, there are also others, who for some
reason seem to be in the minority, these fortunate ones seem to have the insight to bring about
change in their lives, before any major crisis, comes a calling to them.
In part two of this blog,will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome Face book Soul Realisation.