Saturday 12 May 2018

Divinity Uses Atoms Literally Including Transforming You.=D U A L I T Y , Part two.

Our belief in duality has robbed theology of its power,and has polluted philosophy with untruths
it has divided science against itself, and has made countless millions go through life with
saddened hearts, yet we still cling to this polarity based duality, which is an illusion, it does
not exist within reality, absolute reality that is, this relative reality is really a Pseudo reality
that we all "play around in" believing it to be real!
The universe as we see it does not exist! Only the supreme absolute exists.The world is waking
up to the fact that things are not what they seem to be, that matter and form are but one substance
appearing and disappearing, and that form is simply used to explain something  which is
formless, but self conscious Life.
Wholeness is what we are all lacking, when we are whole, then we are unified within the
WHOLE, this unification is oneness, we are then one with all, and in that state of oneness
and wholeness there exists NO TRACE OF DUALITY, just absoluteness only.
Another perhaps more accurate name for duality would be fragmentation, because that is
what is happening in our world today, massive and global fragmentation, we are literally
falling apart at the seams.
Duality is part of the schooling procedure used within this planet earth classroom, so that
we can rub up against illusory polar opposites and learn lessons, grow and eventually find
out who we really are.We are all here to learn that we are all spirit beings, and that spirit
is eternal and absolute, there is NO duality present within Spirit period!  We are spirit
beings having what could be called a human experience, here on earth and we are all
here to learn this truth, to know ourselves, repair the gaping hole that exists within
mankind, become whole and balanced within harmony and unity with universal laws,
then when we find out this truth, perhaps you could share it with your neighbour.
The fact is that there is no duality within reality! What we call duality is an illusion
pulled down over our befuddled eyes,and when we wake up from our long slumber
we will realise this fact, and adjust our conscious understanding to allow for this.
There are NO OPPOSITES in reality, no polarities, no this or that,there is just LIFE
and that life is a singularity, there is but ONE LIFE ONLY, and we are all within IT!!!
Warmest regards Michael, any feed back welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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