Wednesday 23 May 2018

Pseudo Experiences Of Personalities Life Entangled. =P E O P L E .

What are these pseudo experiences that we all encounter? What percentage of our daily encounters
are actually pseudo then? The shocking answer is that about 99.99999 per cent of all our encounters
globally are pseudo, truthfully the answer would be one hundred per cent false/pseudo, but we can
perhaps hope that some awake soul somewhere is actually encountering reality as it actually IS!
We all live in what could be called a collective illusion, the planet of billions of people all buy into
this collective illusion, basically because we do not know any better, have not been taught as to what
reality actually is, and are all then collectively ignorant of what actually is real.
We all use terms and words like,"they" "others" "me" "you" "them""somebody"mine" "yours"
what is the actual difference between me and you? Now on a relative scale you could say there are
many differences, I am male, perhaps you are female, so outwardly looking and relatively speaking
everyone would agree that this was so, but that is NOT the whole truth of the matter, because although we may well be different looking on the surface, beneath this thin veneer we actually
exist in an absolute state, and in that state all is exactly the SAME!
As mentioned before on these blogs on soul realization, a great master was once asked by his
devout devotee, "Master how should we treat others? The master replied, there are NO OTHERS"!
You me and uncle Tom Cobbly are all the same thing at Source level, differences only "appear"
to be different at the relative level, but if you tune in with the perceptive mind and consciousness
that dwells within you, you will begin to see glimpses of parallels between you and the "other
person" you will begin to feel an affinity with them, and as this conscious expansion grows
gradually there will begin a  blurring of just where does that "other person" end, and "I" begin?
We all become entangled within the web of falsehoods that we all spin around ourselves, and therefore become hopelessly and helplessly stuck in this sticky web of illusion and delusion
which therefore causes hopeless confusion.  Humanity is basically ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE
there is no such thing as OTHERS, that word and concept is entirely false and bears absolutely
no resemblance to absolute reality. There is only ONE LIFE FORCE and we are all totally within
it, death is an illusion also, there is but LIFE ETERNAL.
In part two will explore this further, warmest regardsMichael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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