Wednesday 16 May 2018

Vesica Intertwined Piscis. V I P (Mirror of Consciousness) Part Two.

From the Latin, Vesica means Bladder, and Piscis means fish, hence we get the words "bladder
of fish". The Vesica Piscis represents divine union its two identical interlocking circles signify
two polarities, the magnetic and the electric coming together to form a trinity, this sacred
geometrical pattern occurs when a planet is being born,and when the first two cells of a
human being divide in the womb, in effect and in fact, we could not be born without the
actions of union between matter (us) and spirit uniting together and giving birth to the
third aspect of this in-FORM-ed trinity the birth of the baby. We are all here courtesy of
the Vesica Piscis, which also means womb!
We are born out of two circles, the Vesica Piscis, the circles stand for unity,oneness,eternity,
wholeness,and completeness,the upper circle represents the spirit and the other one represents
the physical reality, the intersection or overlapping represents the union of spirit and matter
this unification gives birth to material life (you and me!)
It behoves us all to make this most vital connection between our physical material self, and
our immaterial spiritual spirit self, which dwells within us, and can be found by looking
within our hearts, and using our consciousness to penetrate beneath the thin veil of surface
consciousness, and go down deeper into where our actual life force dwells, within our heart
chakra, that is the seat of our soul.
We have all lost our most vital connection to the wholeness of life, we fail to see that we are
LIFE, the very embodiment of it, and we further fail to see that most vital connection that we
in the entire UNIVERSE, it just cannot ever HAPPEN and has never happened in the last
fifty trillion years! ALL things are connected to ALL THINGS, that is the Divine mathamatical
equation, or sacred maths as some call it.
As  the enlightened master Bhagavan Sri Ramana once said when asked by a devotee the question
"how should we treat others master? The master replied, there are no OTHERS!" The human
family is one family, there is no such thing as others, that idea and concept is entirely false and
bears no resemblance to what is reality.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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