Thursday 24 May 2018

Pseudo Experiences Of Personalities Life Entangled. =P E O P L E. Part Two.

Here is what quantum physics says about the physical world and universe we all live in, "everything
in the physical world is made out of atoms, atoms are made out of energy,and energy is made out
of consciousness." Another quote from quantum physics, "The body is an effect, which is created
by a cause, the cause is thought, the body is not able to create, it needs a world of relativity to
experience itself!" Today quantum physics is beginning to agree with the ancient masters of wisdom
who were well aware of this reality, thousands of years ago.
Our ego's and mindful personalities like to place us apart from "others" we are of course different
to you, this is the tune of the ego, and if we listen to that egoic melody for too long, we will
bring pain and sickness into our energy space (the body) and if left unchecked, will eventually
remove us from the planet. It seems that so many of us all want to be different, and in our
encountering experiences, we each indeed do have different experiences, we all seem very different
on the surface, but beneath this veneer we are all exactly the same. The ego does not like this truth
just like the ego does not like it if you start practicing yoga or meditation, it may at first issue
becoming and supportive thoughts, saying things like this will help you relax and enjoy your life
better, but all that will soon change when the ego gets a WHIFF of a higher energy gradually
starting to percolate though your energy matrix, this will feel threatening to the ego, as it will feel
that if you persist in this new wholesome practice, it will no longer be needed or useful by your
newly awakened self! And the ego cannot allow this to occur, so it will start trying to sabotage
your efforts, at first it will be minor irritations, trying to distract you from finally discovering
that you are a divine immortal soul, having a human experience on earth, if these minor irritations
fail to put you off, it will up the stakes.
We are caused to be, by spirit wanting experience upon the earth plane, we are the effects of this
cause, but in the becoming phase, of being born here on Earth, our memory has been wiped clean
and we have all forgotten who we really are, we all now have an opportunity to engage in beginning
to look within us, instead of forever looking outward at the plastic bullshit pseudo world that "seems"
to exist "out there", in truth and in reality, there is no such place as out there! we are all eternally
connected to all in all and that ALLNESS is forever within!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization/

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