Friday 18 May 2018

Smoke And Mirrors Equated. =S A M E Part two.

What we see, is not what it actually is, reality is always invisible  and has never been seen by
anyone upon this planet earth. What we actually only ever see is,"the outer manifestation of an
invisible inner reality", and this truth applies to everything you have ever seen in your entire
lifetime. Mankind makes a fundamental mistake of giving distinctions to what it calls different
things, this is the very root cause of all our basic ignorance as to what reality actually is, there
is no such thing as thing-S, reality has no S added to its name, there is no such thing as realities
there is just the singular reality. Just the same as there is only one LIFE FORCE within this
universe, there is no SUCH THING as LIFE'S that in a plural cannot and does not exist within
this universe. We have invented billions of names for thing-S and of course it does help in our
every day life to have these names, so that we can all agree that say a carrot is a vegetable and
not a double Decker bus! However if we can also bare in mind, that everything we see and label
with what we agree on it this thing called by this name, that at the back of this outer shape we all
see, within that shape lies the reality of what it actually is. Now what is this singular common
denominator that lies at the back of all physical manifestations? Well the most common scientific
answer is that all is energy, and that this energy lies at the back of ALL MANIFESTATIONS
and is the substance of all of the so called thing-S that we witness every day of our life.
I see this as that certainly all is energy, however I see that energy has what i would term as a
three fold nature, it can be solid looking and be what we call matter, it can also be consciousness
and flow like a liquid, and can also be like a gaseous state and be called Spirit, all three states are
contained within the energy signature, very much like water, ice, and steam.
It is only in stillness and simplicity that we can understand reality, and thereby understand ourself
basically all you have ever witnessed in your lifetime is energy, many so called different thing-S
but in truth all the same thing, energy/consciousness, spirit, depending on its vibration density
slower vibrations denser, higher vibrations more ethereal.
If we can come out from beneath the smoke and mirrors of mass deceptions in which this world
in deeply plunged into,we can then begin to see that we are all connected to one absolute whole
everything is totally connected to everything else, and that all life is eternal in nature, that death
is just a meaningless word which really means CHANGE, when we CHANGE (die) we continue
living in another dimension that's all, remember quantum physics tells us that all is energy and that
energy cannot ever be destroyed, only converted, I hope and pray dear reader of this blog, that you too will be converted to thing reality.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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