Saturday 19 May 2018

Man Only Uses Limited Divinity Inviting Negative Expressions Spiritual Sickness= MOULDINESS.

The mould that infests mankind is like a cancer that eats away at the core of your being, all the
dis-eases that man is inflicted with have largely just one root cause, and that root cause, is basically
that we are all living out of synchronization with natural universal law, because very very few of
us, actually know who we are, and thereby by not living in harmony with our true reflection of
reality, our own ignorance opens us up to becoming mouldy! And that ultimately means that we
will die of some disease like cancer or heart attack, directly because we do not know who we are!
It is not your fault dear reader of this blog, you were never educated by your parents or school,
or college,unfortunately teaching about the reality of the  immortal human soul in NOT on the
curriculum of any of our schools, colleges, or universities, this will however change real soon
and before another decade has passed, this teaching will make its way into a few more open
minded universities, and then more will soon follow.
Ignorance is a mould a blight upon humanity, it wipes out tens of millions of us every year
all the addictive illnesses that we get like, drug addiction, alcoholism, obesity, gambling,
sex and porn,cutting ourselves, mental and emotional illnesses, diabetes, cancer, heart disease
the list is endless, are all directly linked to basically self realization ignorance, we do not know
or even understand who the hell we truly ARE!!! And that real self unknowingness, is cauing
millions of us to die unnecessary.  It is like like lighting a fire in your fireplace  at home (does anybody still have open fires at home these days) with the chimney blocked up, this will then
cause the living room to fill up with smoke, and choke everyone, and if you did not leave that
room, and sought fresh air outside, you would choke to death. Well that's exactly what is
happening to millions of us every year, we are all choking to death because of our fatal
ignorance and blind unknowingness  of who we really are, we can do something about it,
the fact that you are informed here on this blog, enables you to take some action, if you so choose.
We all need to become bold and to tackle this mould  then we will become well and a joy to
behold! My wish and hope dear reader of this blog, is that we can say to ourselves, let in begin
with ME this very DAY! And when we find our true SELF, we help our friends and neighbours
to do the same.
In part two will explore this more. any feed back welcome, facebook soul realisation.

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