Wednesday 9 May 2018


Our life flows in what could be called, the river of life, this current carries us along at a steady
rate of knots, bringing in its wake all manner of experiences, which hopefully will  help us
grow. This river of life, could also be called the river of evolution, because that's exactly what
it is, as we flow along, we also grow in experience and understanding, as we go with the flow
so to speak, we open up, and expand our awareness and consciousness.Here though we can
and do often encounter a difficulty, which I mentioned in yesterdays blog, concerning the
phenomena known as eddies, spiralling vortexes of circulating energy, we can and often do
get caught up in an eddy, which when we do,effectively removes us OUT OF the flow of life
and evolution, and this leads to problems, that begin with minor ones, and if not dealt with
become more severe and eventually life threatening, the eddy progresses into its next phase
which then becomes a maelstrom, which will then literally tear you to pieces.
I have studied and been immensely interested in the phenomena of eddies, and how they
impact upon the human race, this has kept me focusing upon it for the past forty years or
more. I have witnessed first hand the impact of eddies within my own lifetime, and also seen
and counselled many others whose lives have been negatively affected by  their own
encountering with eddies.
A healthy human being, who eats moderately and exorcises regularly, will be filled to capacity
with what could be called  vital energy, this vital energy is the life force that animates the
human body, the CHI as it also can be called. Now when someone is living, or is gradually
going out of sync with the main flow of life's river, there begins a slowing down in the life
current stream of the one about to be affected, this slowing down will then begin to form a
circular motion, and gradually form into a whirlpool or vortex, commonly called an eddy
this swirling effect has a devastating impact upon the one now caught up in the eddies
grasp,for the swirling motion of this vortex begins to draw out the vital energy the life 
force  from its host, this can be likened to centrifugal force which will expel an object
(you) away from the rotation. Here is where the word vampirious comes into the picture
because just like a vampire sucks out the blood of its victim, this force within the eddy is
literally and factually sucking out the life force within your body, you are gradually being
drained out of vitality and living energy. And if this were to continue unchecked, you would
eventually die, you would have been sucked dry by that swirling vampire!
In part two will explore this further.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

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