Monday 28 May 2018

Quantum Understanding About Karma Entanglement. =Q U A K E Part Two.

The principal of Karma, or law of Karma, is the notion that all of life is governed by a system of
cause and effect, action and reaction, in which your deeds have corresponding effects on the future.
Karma is a precise science.  What occurs to me here is that with the new findings that are being
discovered in the quantum physics science, in particular that of quantum entanglement where two
particles become entangled and then are forever in correspondence with each other no matter
if they are a thousand light years apart! And this correspondence is instantaneous, regardless of
how far apart they actually appear to be. When we look deeper into Karma and begin to see just
how deep and complex this law is, because we not only are affected by our own actions, we all
have personal karma, family karma, racial karma, and global karma, all the composite whole
impacts on each and everyone of us. We are all connected to each other, exactly like the particles
in quantum science, and are we not all made up from particles? We are energy, and that energy
is expressed as atoms and waves and particles. It would seem to suggest very strongly  that we are
all very much connected to each other, whether we like it or not! The whole human race is quantum
entangled with each other, all seven billion of us, much like seven billion particles all entangled
with each other.
The physical body is the "field" in which the fruit of karma or entanglement is experienced.
"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger" (Buddha)
If only we had eyes to see, we would clearly see all the connections between each and everyone
of us, you would NOT be able to tell where ONE PERSON STARTED AND ANOTHER BEGUN
It would be absolutely impossible to find a GAP between you and your mate, your energy would
mingle in with theirs, and so it is with all seven billions of us so called human beings, all the global
energy signatures of every one of us seven billion or so souls,our energy mingles with everyone
else's, we are all hopelessly entangled. Perhaps it would be an idea here to mention what a great
master once said when asked by his devotee, how should we treat others master? The master replied
there are NO OTHERS???
We effect  and infect each other by our actions, thoughts, words, and deeds. All we can really do is
our best each day, and in our own way, begin untying the rope tangle from our own end, and hope
that the rest will follow suit.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook Soul Realizatiion

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you have written but I don't agree with being physically connected as one to another but do believe and understand the the cosmic energies of our spirit is connect to the whole. To me it's like a play all roles are different but all are actors in the same play. It is the play or meaning of the play that is the whole and who is the director script writer of the play but the roles of the play are different energies. To me all is connected by energies but not by ego personalities
