Monday 21 May 2018

More Alive In Death Expressing Numinosity.=M A I D E N

In my past I have been involved in many circles, also known as seances, and been involved with
and spoken to many "so called dead people" some had been dead for centuries, and others just a few
months or so, the most interesting thing about all these communications was that these so called
dead people were very much more alive and intelligent, than us so called living folk who were
sitting there in the circle! The only exceptions to this were those souls who passed in tragic circumstances and were in effect what is called  a limbotic phase, where they are literally
suspended between two realms, the physical and the astral, they are tantalizingly close to
both realms but cannot enter either one, without help. I sat for a short while in what is called
a rescue circle, where seven or nine people sit, and see if there is any lost soul there as if so
they are attracted to the light, given of by the group sitting for this purpose, much like a moth
to a flame or light, I could not continue with this wonderful  work, as I was only a young man
at the time, and found it very disturbing and emotionally upsetting, as when those who have
passed in tragic circumstances, they transmit them onto you temporally which is most upsetting
and painful at times, I have the greatest respect for those loving souls who continue with this
most valuable work, it takes a special kind of soul to do this, I was not that kind of soul.
Mankind in general are scared and frightened of death, that's because the reality of eternal life
is not taught in schools, or colleges or even university, except for some certain faiths that teach
the immortality of the soul, and reincarnation, the vast majority of the western world know less
than nothing about what should be the most important lesson you are ever taught in your life
that of the reality and the immortality of the human divine soul. If we were all taught this truth
and absolute REALITY, the likes of this here blog, being written by me to all you most valuable
dear readers, would be redundant, and I would be at a loose end!! We all need to fully understand
that LIFE, which is a singularity there is only one LIFE. there is NO SUCH THING AS (LIFES)
We all are LIFE, so what does that spell out to you? Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE
And all LIFE by its VERY NATURE of being ALIVE is by nature ETERNAL! What you call
death, is really a meaningless phrase, a non-existent impossibility, the correct word for this
phenomena is change, we change our physical body (vehicle) for our Astral body,and then carry
on living as before.
In part two will venture deeper into this, If perchance anyone reading this, wants to ask anything
then please email me at the below address,or leave a comment. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul realization.

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