Thursday 3 May 2018

Life Is Spirit Truthfully Expressing Numinosity. =L I S T E N , Part Two,

All life expressed and unexpressed is spirit, and we are no exception to this universal and fundamental principle. Humanity consists of seven or more billion vehicles which we call
human bodies, and collectively call mankind, or humanity, but the reality that seems to
escape our notice, is that all these human bodies, which are called mankind collectively
are in fact just ONE Actual Thing and that is spirit!
If we can just but LISTEN to that still small voice within, we will then be gently guided
into the direction of soul realisation, we will then begin to realise who we really are, and
begin to see that the reality of who we really are, is so vastly different to who we thought
we were.
One of the great benefits of this modern time is the gradual merging and melding of
religion and science, these two modes of teaching are gradually beginning to unite
in particular the science of quantum physics, science informs us that all is energy and
that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted, thereby energy is eternal and also
ubiquitous by nature, religion says that spirit or God is ubiquitous and present everywhere
and that being so, spirit and energy seem to actually be one of the very same thing.
There is only ONE LIFE, and we as a collected whole (although this reality,is not realised
by most of us) are each experiencing what we believe to be an individual experience of
what we perceive to be a separate personal reality,( of which it is most certainly not)
the very word separate is actually totally meaningless in reality, separation from what?
Separation from reality? Separation from the absolute, God? Separation from energy?
separation from your neighbour? We cannot and have not ever been separated from reality
or from each other, that is totally and absolutely impossible. Now the "feeling" of being
apart from something, does feel exceedingly real, feeling lonely and isolated, does feel
very real, we have all felt these things, however, because we feel this feeling, does not
make it real! We can say that it is relatively real, but not absolutely real.
Because we do not know ourselves to be spirit FIRST and human second, we fail to see
the connecting energy of the whole, and thereby see what appears to be a fragmented part
of something which is unknown to us.
May we please all take the opportunity to look within ourselves, and discover what really lies
beneath this facade called humanity! AKA,  Space suits for souls.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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