Thursday 9 February 2023



This blog today entitled "IS" will reveal the hidden  nature of that Divine Principle

we all have vouchsafed within us. 

The word INTUITION means basically and fundamentally to be "TAUGHT from

Within",  so the question then arises as to whom and what is this "TEACHER" that

is within us all? Our Intuition can be seen as a "Divine Monitor"  that is present 

within us all, and often makes its appearance in our lives when we are in a crisis 

situation . Here when we have our back up against the wall. we "suddenly"  hear

this inner still small voice , that speaks words of comfort and reassurance to us. Some

of us think that this inner voice is GOD talking to them, others are not sure where this

inner voice came from , but never the less were grateful for its comforting words of 


We can all consciously make a decision to tune into this inner voice that dwells within 

us all, we just need to take up meditation and go within ourselves. We do not have to 

"WAIT" for an incoming crisis to arise! 

Meditation will bring us into regular contact with our intuition and we will gain insight

into its way of contacting us. We will receive flashes of insight and ideas will flash into

our consciousness . If we ask our INTUITION to reveal to us our true IDENTITY by

saying the question of "WHO AM "I" REALLY"? We will then receive an answer from

our intuition.

The faculty of our INTUITION is our DIRECT CONNECTION to our HIGHER SELF

which is that of DIVINE SPIRIT.

This connecting principle is that of our INTUITION it is that "Divine Spark" that

lives within us all.

INTUITION can be seen as our VERY OWN PERSONAL inner GURU, because by

going within ourselves our intuition will "GUIDE US" into our full inner KNOWING

of just WHO and WHAT we REALLY ARE! Your inner GURU will lead you into 

the full realization of your IMMORTAL DIVINE inner nature.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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