Sunday 19 February 2023



This blog today is about a truth that has been hidden away from mankind

for thousands of years. "WHAT IF" will explain that the universal principle 

of wisdom , in truth lies hidden away in plain sight within the human body


The principle of wisdom is basically vouchsafed within the Higher Self of 

every human being on this planet, all eight billion of us have direct access to

universal wisdom, all we need do to find it, is to take up the practice of meditation

or yoga.

WHAT IF is about beginning to WAKE UP and start to realize just WHO and WHAT

we really all are? Life which is infinite and eternal of which "WE" are all embedded 

within it, life holds all principles within its infinite embrace, all universal knowledge

and wisdom are all embedded and vouchsafed within the principle of LIFE of which

all of humanity is totally contained within.

LIFE (you and me) cannot learn wisdom because in our core  of being "we are WISDOM"

incarnated as a human being. All knowledge and wisdom lie within the core of all  

human life. We have only got to look within and make conscious contact with our 

INTUITION,  and this will reveal the wisdom within us all currently buried under

a dense blanket of ignorance.

Life is the very Divine embodiment  of love and wisdom it is our true immortal 

NATURE,  when we begin to understand what our real immortal nature actually IS!

WHAT IF says that within "YOU"  now reading this blog , lies all universal wisdom 

and knowledge , that you have NOTHING TO LEARN but only NEED to UNCOVER

what  already lies within "YOU" now dear READER of this blog.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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