Sunday 29 July 2018

Spirit Helps All Relative Experiences. S H A R E

If we share our experiences strength and hope with another person, what are we actually doing?
And what is the difference between the word sharing, and that of just talking? To me the main
difference would be that of depth and feeling, sharing your thoughts experiences and feelings
with another person, would carry much more emotional feeling and depth to it, that just general
chatting about the weather or a football match.
When we say perceive that we  seem to be different from other friends or family members, if is
often reassuring to learn that after sharing this feeling with another, they say that they too have
felt this, and that by sharing our inner thoughts and feelings, we can see that we are all really
not that different at all, its just that if you do not share your thoughts with anyone, you would
never know this connection.
Our sense of isolation comes from our lack of sharing with another soul, if we keep these feelings
within us, and never share them, we start to cause various issues to arise within us, that will be
negative  and can cause us emotional, physical, and mental damage.
In truth we ARE all connected and interconnected to one and another, but unless we have
meaningful communication with another soul,we will fail to ever see or what's more importantly
FEEL that connection, and if that is the case, our living life-ful energy level will begin to wither
and illness and other disconnected issues will arise within your experiences.
Loneliness is a big issue these days, millions of us suffer from this, this feeling alone literally
sucks the living vital energy out of your body, like a blood thirsty vampire it sucks out all our
vitality, and therefore opens the door to depression, anxiety, self neglect,morbid thinking, and
a feeling of coldness,numbness, feeling and being isolated while living in say a city with several
million people right next door to you, yet the distance you feel from them all, they might as well
be on Mars as far as you are concerned.
Sharing your thoughts and feelings with another soul, brings a warmth into your life, we all vitally
need this inner warmth, which removes the isolated feelings, we all need to feel that we are not alone
and not isolated, we all need to feel that we are accepted as we are, to feel validated and have a sense
of well being, a self aware confidence, and this can only really arise, when we are are contact with
other souls, and that there is valid exchanges of ideas and thoughts.
In part two will explore this more. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul realization.

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