Monday 16 July 2018

Singularity Is God's Numinous Signal. =S I G N S Part Two.

Written in the Advaiti Vedanta, over two thousand years ago is this,"Consciousness is singular,
all happenings are played out in ONE universal consciousness, and there is no multiplicity
of selves"end quote.
One is the signature of all reality.If we look at the word life, this world and most likely this
universe, is literally teeming with life, but hears the thing, no one on this planet has ever seen
LIFE! What we only ever see is "the outward manifestation, of an inner reality"all mankind has
ever seen and most likely ever will see, is a shape or form of some animated thing, like say a
cat or dog, or even you dear reader, we only ever see shapes and forms, we never have seen LIFE
that is because it is invisible and to our minds unknowable. The other reality about life as well is
that there is only ONE LIFE FORCE in this entire universe, there is NO SUCH THING as life'S!
The singularity signal that flashes into our conscious minds, particularly when we are in a crisis
mode, and our backs are up against the wall,is that reassuring inner voice, sometimes called "that
still small voice within us" this inner voice is actually your higher self, the soul, calling out to you
and offering you reassurance.  This is the inner spirit, that which is all and absolute, of which YOU
now reading this are totally locked within it, in fact it is YOU, when you fully awaken from your
slumber! We all live within a massive illusion, one that purports to be lots of "things" to see and
entertain you with, this is totally false and a lie, a deception caused by our vast ignorance as to
just what reality actually IS. There are over seven billion souls on this Earth, but there is ONLY
ONE LIFE FORCE, there is only ONE SELF! So where do the other seven billion souls go then?
If we really knew ourselves, then we would know the answer to this question. The title of this
blog gives the answer, the SIGNS, are that this inner voice, wants you to wake up, to look within
your self, ask your self the question, who am "I"? you will then eventually get the full answer as
to who you really are, you will see that this physical body is just a vehicle for you real self the
indwelling immortal soul,human beings are JUST VEHICLES, nothing more! animated
biological computers acting as a anchor in this low vibration, enabling the soul to experience
three dimensional physical expression, and gather experience. We came from the One point the
singularity, we emerged from eternal stillness,and we ushered out through the singularity by the
will of the Absolute,in full  motioning expression to journey through vast ages, until we reached
another POINT, the recognition of our inner Divinity and the ability to be self aware and know
who we really are, and begin the journey consciously back to our true blissful HOME! We are all at
that POINT NOW TODAY! Have you the desire to wake up my friend?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.


  1. God's Grace is upon/in/around u,brother ! Be happy as ever!lov&regards

  2. Thank you so much brother for your uplifting and wonderful words.
