Friday 13 July 2018

Love Is Coherent Knowing Expressing Divinity. l O C K E D .

Coherence could be likened to the "direction finder of love", coherence implies intelligence,it also
describes the coupling and degree of synchronization between different oscillating systems operating
at the same basic frequency.
A dictionary version and definition of coherence is, "the quality of forming a unified whole". Is
that not we we all our? Is the human race a unified whole? What is it that keeps us from becoming
a unified whole?  Why do we have the opposite of coherence, that of decoherence? If we see love
as coherent knowing, then the opposite of this love spells out decoherence, which is another word
for the absence of love, that being hate. Instead of a coherent motion flowing inclusively and
encompassing the whole,which is love in motion, instead we have decoherence, which is flowing
in an exclusive motion,which has the very upsetting results of  separating people, and making
barriers from each other, resulting in wars, and endless strife.
Without the universal intelligence of coherence holding all life together in one unified whole, we
would all fly apart and vanish into oblivion within a microsecond. Humanity is "HELD" is the
cohesive embrace of Intelligent consciousness, each human vehicle (body) is literally a swirling
mass of intelligent energy, some forming the shape of the body and internal workings, these are
slower vibrations that give the "appearance" of solidity, then there is also the more ethereal
energies that form our electromagnetic spectrum, all of this life giving energy that makes up just
one human being, is all held in a coherent intelligent focused WILL, which is the higher self, the
soul. Because of global ignorance as to who and what we all actually ARE, which if we all knew and accepted that, the result would be a tsunami washing over the entire planet, filling it with love and
full acceptance of each other, as brother and sister. There would be a state of total unified coherence
across the entire world.Instead we face global conflict, hatred, suspicion, mistrust, the very opposite
of love acceptance and endless joy. What can we do against this juggernaut of global ignorance?
Well we could say something like, "let it begin with me"! If "I" look within myself, and find out who
I really am, then there will be ONE LESS SOUL to awaken, and one step closer to unity and
Will explore this more in part Two, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

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