Thursday 5 July 2018

Examining Emotions Reality Implications Explored.=EERIE.

Where do emotion arise? What is their purpose? These questions have been asked by many of
us down through the past centuries.All motion has a cause,and also has a "point of arising"and
emotion is just motion with an added "E. Question; what are we all looking for, and perhaps
do not even know that we are actually looking for it? Subconsciously, we are all looking for
exactly the very same thing,and that thing is,a unified WHOLENESS-COMPLETENESS
to be ultimately ONE with ALL, no separation or incompleteness, but fully whole and totally
unconditionally accepted and loved. However that is what we are looking for subconsciously
but we seem only to be able to operate consciously, and therein lies the difficulty, and the basic
ignorance that we all feel about "our" emotions. Where is the primal home(matrix) from where
emotions arise? And what is there ultimate purpose? The home of the emotions lies deeply
embedded within our soul, and the purpose of the emotional energy is ultimately to guide you
back into COMPLETE WHOLENESS, and to sever completely the ILLUSION of
SEPARATENESS, and INCOMPLETENESS, however long it takes, and how ever many life times
it is needed to complete this mission! We need to be mindful that the "LONGING" feeling we all
get at times, is coming from the soul, which sends out rhythmic pulses hoping to get your attention
and invite you to look within, sadly most of us fail to make this most vital connection. Longing,
feeling, and emotion are all connected at one point, and that point emanates from the soul which
is centered within the heart chakra., not in the head, as some suppose.Before mentioning emotions
as to how many there are? I want to suggest the following. We all know that motion moves, and
that we put the letter "E" in front of motion to make E-MOTION, suppose the "E" stood for EGO?
And suppose the other line in the letter E stood for MIND? If we then removed those two top lines
from the letter "E" what would be left? The letter L which stands for love, then the more correct word
would become LOVE-MOTION, rather that E MOTION, the ego and the concrete mind are both
barriers to soul and self realization. All of our misery and pain are born out of not realizing that we
are ALL DIVINE and connected to one another in ONE WHOLE FAMILY. The emotion that we all
experience are in truth what could be called "UNITY FINDERS"  because every emotion we experience is one step closer towards full unification with the whole, however LONG IT TAKES!
Will continue this in part two, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome,Facebook Soul Realization.

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