Wednesday 25 July 2018

What Is Life Truthfully ? W I L T .

What is life truthfully? Does any of us really know? Are we not alive? That being so what can we
deduce from that realization ? We are all totally surrounded by life, but do we understand what
it actually is? Is the life we "know" shallow or deep?  There seems to be no plural to life, there seems
to be no such thing as life's! Only the singular word LIFE. What are we to deduce from this fact
then? It came to me in meditation years ago now, that the word life actually spells out this; Living
Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what we all seem to be, focused energy, we as human beings
are encased in what is called a physical body, other life forms all have their own shape, and some
are formless.
One life, expressed within almost limitless design form and shape.That is just here on Earth, what
about the rest of the universe? A universal life force, present everywhere.Truthfully then what is
life? Well it seems to exhibit intelligence, does it not? The question then arises within an inquiring
mind,what then is the source of this intelligence? Some will call this source God, others will call
it something else, I prefer the word Absolute, as it does not have any religious connotations added
to it.
We as a race of people are all moving through this ocean called life, and in so doing, are expressing
ourselves in different patterns. Which overall would seem to make a wondrous tapestry, the pattern
of humanity, so to speak?
If we examine ourselves, and look deeply within us, we will find a depth to our life, that we never
realized was ever there. So many of us just skim on the surface of life, too fascinated by the gadgets
and mobile phones, to leave the surface tension. Life by its very nature of being eternal has then
within it, infinite depth, all we have to do, is to look within to find.
Life and truth are one of the same thing, you cannot have one without the other, truth is that we are
alive, and the question then is, do you fully understand what this actually means?
To have consciousness, awareness, perception,motion,thoughts, ideas, insight, knowledge, wisdom,
we have all these attributes, what then do we make of this, if anything?
Will explore this more deeply tomorrow, Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

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