Saturday 21 July 2018

What Is Now Deduced. W I N D

What does the now tell us? The answer to that question really depends on how deep you look
into the infinite ocean of consciousness. Has the now got any attributes? What makes it really
stand out? Is the now operative universally? Or are there any limits upon it? And if so, who or what
had the power to impose this?
The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids  thousands of years ago, built  them in the NOW,
we can still see the pyramids, but where are the ancient Egyptians, and where is the Pharaoh?
What then is the most fundamental and striking thing about the NOW? The answer is that it
NEVER MOVES, the now is eternally motionlessness, It has never moved from within its fixed
point EVER, eternally still for eternity. What then is motion? We ARE, and everything else that
has any expression at all, whether is be matter, light, plasma, consciousness, energy,etc, The is
only one thing in the universe that has ZERO ATTRIBUTES, and  that is the NOW. What can we
then deduce from this "unexpressed reality"? We can firstly deduce that it is NOT expressed, it just
"IS"" Eternally and infinitely still within any point of consciousness that become aware of its presence.
If you want to know what the eternal is, just look at your present life and recall all the experieences
you have lived through,while you were doing all this, you actually WERE present within the Eternal
ocean all of the time, we can NEVER LEAVE the eternal, this place the eternal NOW is the stage in
which you act your "expressed role" whatever it may be this particular expression, whether male or
female, rich or poor, sick or healthy, we each act out these "ROLES" we are NO different from an
actor on stage, perhaps the only difference is the actor on stage has a written script, and we just make it up as we go along!
There is absolutely no need to think about what would it be like in the eternal? We are all firmly
locked within it NOW,TODAY!
If you are in motion then you are evolving, if you are absolutely still, you have arrived!  That is the
was motion works, we are all moving through a eternal motionless POINT, that point we call the NOW. The size of this POINT is absolute and infinite, its a really big POINT, wherever we could go
within this universe, if we built a star ship and had warp speed, you could NEVER OUTRUN NOW!
In part two will develop this more. any feedback welcome Face book Soulrealization.

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