Wednesday 4 July 2018

Way Of Movement Becoming-Simplifying Complexity About Motion. W O M B S C A M Part Three.

What exactly is evolution? And what exactly is motion? And what is the primal CAUSE, of which
we are all the effects of? Three primal questions that this blog will try and answer.
Motion and evolution are co-joined within an eternal embrace like two ardent lovers. Yin and Yang
Shakti-and Shiva, Masculine and feminine principles locked within the eternal dance of Expressed
Life. You cannot have ONE without the OTHER, Motion cannot exist without evolution, and evolution cannot exist without motion, and motion is the principle "HOLDER" of ALL LIFE
EXPRESSED, this "holder" is called the WOMB, motion=WOMB, and we all our still firmly
embedded within it.How can this be, you may well ask? To answer that, we must first realize who
and what we really ARE! We are ALL SPIRIT FIRST,SOUL SECOND,and vehicle (human body)
third, that is the ORDER of our expressed REALITY.Don't take my word for it, look within yourself
and ask yourself the question,WHO Am "I"? Right now back to the primal cause, the primal cause
was the Absolute intention and WILL to Manifest Motion from stillness, This IDEA Was from within
stillness=Masculine, the stillness became motion, when the Feminine aspect of the Absolute engaged
and brought about a universe,as this universe was born=motion requires polarity to function, hence
the birth of two divine principles YIN and YANG, SHAKTI and SHIVA. Evolution really means
UNFOLDING, opening out and eventually BLOOMING into what? Full realization of the SELF!
When you fully realize the SELF, you are ONE with ALL, and here we need to distinguish the vast
difference between the SELF and the SOUL, there are seven or so billion souls on this Earth, but
only ONE SELF! The SELF is absolute spirit. This is all our ultimate destiny, to loose our tiny
egoic self, and finally find the absolute eternal ominpresent SELF. Meanwhile we will continue
"going through the motions" acting out our roles, and awaiting our time to shine!  We all our very
much still in the womb, and will remain there until we blossom in cosmic consciousness and step
out of the prison of FORM and SHAPE, and become universal conscious formless blissful
oneness.What we call being born and dying, and being born again and dying, is in truth just
going through the motions of the universal WOMB and every lifetime you experience hopefully
brings you one step closer to being really BORN and to rejoin  that original THOUGHT that gave
birth to ALL MOTION,then you will  be back at HOME, from whence you came countless aeons
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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