Saturday 28 July 2018

Grace Opened Door. G O D Part Two.

Sometimes grace opens a door within  our heart, that will cause us to stop and think about what
is happening in our life today? This grace opening moment may come via an arising crisis in our
life, that causes us pain and fear filled moments, or even a poignant moment, that causes memories
to rise up from deep within us.
As mentioned in yesterdays blog on this subject that  the word GRACE can be seen to stand for
this; Gathering-Reeling-Accepting-Consciously-Endearing, which we can take to actually mean
that LIFE looks after its OWN, what does that actually mean then? We first need to consider
as to what we really ARE? The PRIMAL MATRIX of what YOU and ME are made of is LIFE!
We all our LIFE, we are all life manifesting within a physical body and called a human being.
However you PRIMAL and FUNDAMENTAL REALITY is that FIRST you are LIFE, the
which is your SOUL.
So when GRACE comes a calling, within your life experience, it is to refocus your consciousness
away from the physical body pseudo reality, and to look within at the living life force that dwells
within all of humanity. And as we seem to be totally obsessed with just solely looking outward
and NEVER looking inward, grace tries desperate measures at times to attract our attention.
Grace often whispers to us, in the manner of that still small voice within us, that will offer
reassuring words of comfort, when we are in times of trial and tribulations, and in so doing
think that this will spark a idea of thinking, where did this inner voice come from? And what
exactly is it? Sadly it seems that very few of us actually take the time to investigate this inner
voice phenomena, and just sort of shrug the shoulders and say something like "who knows what
it could be!? Yet this inner voice could have actually saved your physical life at that crisis point
Grace is the connecting principle between LOVE and LIFE it is the unifying force that coheres  these
two points into one composite whole, you cannot have life without love and you cannot have life or
love without GRACE, they are totally interconnected and unify three forces into one WHOLE.
And we as beings of LIFE and also beings of LOVE are all connected to the grace of GRACE it is
that we only ever see it in operation when it manifests very powerfully in a a persons life and we
then call this act of grace a miracle, yet we all fail to SEE the many minor miracles that happen right
under our noses daily?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation .

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