Saturday 13 June 2020

What Is Life's Directional Energy Revealing.? W I L D E R .

This relative duality based universe in which we all dwell within and have our collective
experiences within, is one hundred per cent filled  with intelligent energy, so filled in fact that
you could not even slide a ten pound note between any gap in this totality. Science informs us
that energy is eternal and cannot ever be destroyed, only converted into another expression.
Just as we are all converted from our physical body into our astral body when we die(move
out of one vehicle and into another).
To me the word LIFE spells out exactly what energy does and what it is, which is Living-
Intelligent-Focused-Energy =LIFE.
So what is Life's directional energy revealing to us? It reveals to me that life and energy are
exactly the same thing, it is totally impossible to separate the two, because in reality they are
ONE, so where does consciousness come into this equation? What is it that gives energy
direction? Also what is the ground state of energy?
In order to answer these questions,the overall universal state of energy needs to be addressed
we have what is called the Unified Field which contains everything within the infinite
universe, an absolute unified field of what? What is SPACE? Space is occupied by a seemingly
infinite number of THINGS.The ancients called space an ENTITY, could that ENTITY be that
of LIFE? Are we not just one of an infinite number of other expressions of this ONE THING
that is called LIFE? SPACE spells out this interesting sequence of expression, Spirit-pervades
-All-Conscious-Expressions=SPACE this way SPACE is invisible energy,which is infinite and
eternal, and WE all OCCUPY IT,with our physical vehicles!!!!!
This universal invisible energy life filled force is in fact the UNIFIED FIELD in which all expressions that are the embodied and dwell within live and move and have their experiences
within,just like all of us here on Earth,
This universal energy is always within a neutral state,unless it is given a direction, this neutral
state of universal energy means that it is absolutely motionless and completely still,neutral
here equates with total balance and equilibrium, non dual in other words. What gives neutral
energy direction into either the positive field or the negative field is conscious or unconscious
choice, in our case it means our thoughts denote the direction of living energy.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
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1 comment:

  1. The ultimate direction of all expressed life is full and total SELF Knowing.
