Wednesday 24 June 2020

Destiny Of Mankind As Inherent Numen. D O M A I N Part Two,(Transcending).

To recap, yesterday in the first blog titled D O M A I N , I mentioned that this blog on the
destiny of mankind would be in four distinct parts, that of Transformation, which was completed
yesterday, part two today is about the second corner of our destiny, which is Transcending, the
often used word these days is ascension. The other two corners will be dealt with in the next
two forthcoming days, and that is the third corner which is Transmutation, followed by the
final corner that of Translation. Now i would like to make this very clear to all readers, that
this gradual ascension of humanity will be played our over many centuries yet to come, time
as mentioned yesterday is of no consequence whatsoever, because we will all soon discover
that time is and always has been a total illusion,and therefore does not exist in reality. It
only seems to exist,because of our ignorance in the realisation that all life is eternal,which
means no beginning,and therefore no end.
Today's blog is about the direction of transcending, the raising up of our integral consciousness
into fresh realisations regarding our inner being, the WHO AM "I" question, which all of us ask
at some point in our expressed physicality. The internet is buzzing with websites talking about
the ascension of man, the reason this is occurring is because the arc- angle of our evolution
curvature has gradually becoming steeper in its inclination. This means that the life force
expressing energy, which enfolds ALL EXPRESSED LIFE has quickened its vibration
frequency, which in turn impacts upon our emotional and mental faculties, opening up
avenues within us that were previously unknown to exist.The transcending process that acts
upon us all individually,will unfold within each one of you in varying degrees of depth impacts.
This process can span over many lives or incarnations here, it all depends on each one of us, and
how we pay attention to the process, many will not even realise or even know there is any process
occurring at all, some of you will dismiss this as nonsense, and think its all fantasy, and have better
things to do with my valuable time! That's fine, however sooner or later, maybe several crisis down
the road,we may then find the time,to begin looking into our true and lasting inner nature.The
process of transcending or ascension is about looking into ourselves and looking at the way we live
our life,are we fully satisfied and content with our life, if yes, that's great, you must be on an even
keel,keep it up. Many of us though feel lost and wondering what is the meaning of all this?  What will become of us? We incarnate upon this planet to gain experiences,that will ultimately lead us
all through the four corners of evolution into the full realisation of just who and what we really
all are. In part Three will then explore the principle of Transmutation and the raising up of
mankind, atom by atom. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you, please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

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