Monday 22 June 2020

Seven Electromagnetic Expressions-Mankind As Seen Knowingly. S E E -M A S K . Part Two.

No human being has ever seen LIFE, and never will while we are all informed within a corporeal
vehicle, commonly known as mankind.LIFE,stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy. that is
what we all are LIVING ENERGY, an electromagnetic living plasma, that tapers downwards
(meaning lower vibration frequencies) from the highest degree of expression which begins at the
seventh and first expression which is the Atma-Divine part,the sixth which is Buddha spiritual part.
fifth,Manas Intellectual part, fourth,Kama, Passional part,three, Prana, vital part,two,astral part,
and one,physical part.All these aspects of who you really are,is contained within the human aura.
Seven layers of expression,which all combine to express ONE soul/spirit.To see LIFE as it really
is,means that you would therefore have to DIE. Because LIFE and GOD or INFINITE 
Intelligence, or any other name you may think of to describe the Absolute Spirit of ALL, LIFE
and that Absolute BEING who holds this TINY UNIVERSE within its BOSOM, both terms
of LIFE or Absolute being=the SAME THING!
It is written in the book of life,that you cannot look into the face of God and live! Yet we are all
eternal beings? So what dies then if we look upon the true face of LIFE or GOD? What dies is
our IGNORANCE of whom and what we really are. We all wear a mask and attend the Masked
Ball on the dance floor of planet Earth.We Waltz through our steps life after life, one incarnation
after another,looking hither and thither for this clue and that clue hoping it will lead us into some
answer and meaning of what and why are we all here?
We can gather all the knowledge that this earth can deliver to us, but unless we find ourselves
all OTHER KNOWLEDGE will become as ashes in our mouths,dry and dusty bones where
all the real meat (who you really are,a divine immortal soul) that would feed your inner real
SELF, has vanished.
We all radiate LIFE through seven dimensions of consciousness perceptions, each level of
expression from the seventh to the first is a living plasmatic flame of electromagnetic energy
one level interpenetrating  the other from seven to one.We as human vehicles, are here to explore
our inner potentials, seek out meaning for our existence encapsulated within a shell,experience
being both male and female, then after looking outwards for thousands of years, we begin our
journey HOME, where we will find our true SELF, and become ONE AGAIN, after totally
Exhausting all the opportunities that the seven-fold expressions offered.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realisation
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