Saturday 27 June 2020

Holographic Universal Motioning Sequence-Omini-Matrix H U M S -O M .

In this blog today, I will endeavour to unite the primordial sound of all universal expressed
motioning energy,which is the mighty OM, with that of this universe which is really a
hologram which is isomorphic to the information inscribed on the surface of its boundary.
Which means that basically this universe is in fact just two dimensional, and not three
dimensional that we have always assumed, the third dimension that we think we see is
basically an illusion, as is all the other things we think we see.Like being in the cinema
and watching a flat screen but seeing the illusions of depth and dimensions, which trick our
eyes into thinking we are seeing distance and shapes and volume,all on a FLAT SCREEN.
well we are living in and on the flat screen,and all imagine that we are seeing depth.
What we are not aware of is the reality of what we are actually made of, what we are made
of is basically intangible invisible intelligent ENERGY,energy that has coalesced and condensed
into what we are as human beings, which is made up of countless quadrillions of atoms that have
intelligently combined together to produce a physical flesh and blood biological machine,which
is animated and programmed by a biological computer called the brain.
Now I want to introduce what I see as the primordial sequence master that orchestrates this
whole holographic relative universe in which we all live in and have our being. The sequence
master that orchestrates this universe is what I term the ALL-SEQUENCE which is commonly
known by millions of us here on Earth as the primordial OM.
The OM is the master sequence, the master tone of ALL Universal expressions of life, the
pulsations or rhythmic waves are the force that hold the whole holographic projection in its
presented imaginary as we think we see it, not realising that what we have been seeing all of our
incarnated experiences here,were nothing more than illusions.Now of course these illusions seem
very real to us, that's because of our conditioning plus our ignorance of what is real,and what is an illusion.We are all here to gather experience,and therefore we believe what we see,and act accordingly. Behind the backdrop of the hologram relativity duality based universe lies the eternal absolute Life,which is soul infused spirit.As we grow in awareness and get deeper into the inner
consciousness that resides within us all.we will begin seeing the connectivity that unites all life
universally, we will realise that we are just basically living-intelligent-focused-energy=LIFE
and that energy is eternal,science teaches this very fact, when we can accept this, our worries begin
to lesson. In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks

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