Thursday 25 June 2020

Destiny Of Mankind As Inherent Numen. D O M A I N Part Three (TRANSMUTATION)

In this part three of the destiny of mankind as inherent numen,which means the soul/spirit
within all of mankind.We arrive at the third stage of the evolution arc of ascension of humanity
that of Transmutation.The word transmutation is often linked into that most ancient science
of alchemy, which modern day science dismiss as utter nonsense, they completely dismiss a
science that predates their arrogant and self conceited  theories by thousands of years.Those
ancient wise teachers of long ago, understood the nature of BEING Expressed in form, and
they looked upon the physical body as having a heavy leaden nature, and that by certain
practices as we know of as today, that of meditation and yoga, that it was possible to raise the
vibration frequency of the leaden dense physical form, into a more ethereal lighter expression
which gave a golden hue within the human aura. This is where the tale of alchemist turning
lead into gold came from.The real intention of the alchemist was to enable the one he was
helping, to grow and expand into a more aware spiritual form of consciousness.We each have
access to unlimited energy,that resides within us all, that energy can transform, transcend and
transmute you into a far less dense leaden individual into a higher level of expression and where
with focus and intention plus the practice of yoga and meditation,you will begin shedding dense
physical atoms and magnetically attract more ethereal  atoms into your bodily matrix, which
if seen clairvoyantly would reveal a golden glow within the human auric field.
Our destiny is to raise our consciousness and our vibration frequencies so that we gradually
ascent upon the arc of evolution, and reveal the eternal nature,or who and what we really all are.
In the light of Karma and reincarnation, evolution becomes the logic of what must be, the
course of evolution is the drama of the soul,and nature exists for no other purpose than the souls
By looking within ourselves, and by quieting the chattering mind, entering into that internal
silence,we enter into the DOMAIN of the SELF/SOUL, within this inner silence,lies expansion
of perception, awareness,consciousness,which then leads to insight, intuition, the birthing of an
inner-knowingness, that then leads onto knowledge and wisdom,that we were all previously
totally unaware of.
When this practice and awareness becomes our regular way of life, we are then firmly upon the
path that will  completely reconfigure our whole essence of being, into one that has been
Transmuted into a higher stage of living expression,.
In the final part of this four corners tomorrow will explore the final destiny of mankind that of the
Full Translation of man back into Spirit, from whence we all came from..
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
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