Tuesday 2 June 2020

Ascension Is Dark Energy. A I D E Part Three.

From the infinite absolute ocean of LIFE we have been funnelled down into seven and a half
billion points of reference which is a singularity point,into this shallow shore  of relativity
and duality, where we have only a surficial level of consciousness to begin with.
Our way forward is to find  our true home again which is wholeness, and this can be found
within the depths of dark-energy,which is just another word for your subconsciousness.
What so many of us fail to see is that we are ALL-SOVEREIGN beings,because we are ALL
Directly connected and interconnected to the ABSOLUTE SOURCE which is the VERY 
LIFE of ALL LIFE universal and otherwise.Every human being is a sovereign being and
each one of us has a direct connection to that SOURCE and our individual heritage is that
we are all Divine immortal sovereign beings, experiencing and collecting experiences,which
lead to understanding what its like to become enclosed within a dense suffocating physical
form,to gain understanding and wisdom from interactions and emotional encounters from
a very limited perspective where we see another being as that of separate and apart from us,
this experience of being apart from another living form,can only be experienced in this dense
physical plane of relativity, life in its essence is just ONE WHOLENESS, there is no such thing
as separation or apart from another.
Dark energy comes to our rescue and literally becomes our aide-De -camp  because it comes
to the sovereigns aid.(which is you and me dear reader). When we start asking questions about
who are we, and why are we here,what is the purpose of my life? When we feel homesick for
a place we have all but forgotten, yet at times of quiet thought and restfulness,we feel a deep
emotional welling up from within us,a longing for great peace and rest,a deep feeling of wanting
to feel wholly whole. These emotional upwellings that impinge upon our consciousness, are coming
from that divine centre that exists within your inner core of being,
You are then being invited by your inner divinity to look within yourself,then you will begin the
process of contacting deeper levels of consciousness,this is the elusive and universally abundant
dark-energy or more mundanely called your subconsciousness, subconsciousness exists everywhere
in this universe,it is just the field of LIFE that is as yet not being expressed, it lies like  just out
of phase dimensionally with this relative universe, and can only be detected by inference and gravitational lens effects. As we go within ourselves and seek answers to the purpose of life and who
we really are.We then begin the process of accessing this dark energy which then begins revealing
to you, who and what you really are.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader can you please pass it on to your family and friends Thanks.

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