Tuesday 16 June 2020

Prismatic Reflections Of Wondrous Life. P R O W L Part Two..

All expressed life rotates upon an arc of ascension,we as this expression called mankind have
reached a pinnacle point in our ascension gateway,where we have that added most vital
addition to our expressed life matrix, which is that of full I AM consciousness, all mankind
is self-aware, we all know that we know, and this function is serviced by the power of
reflection. No other earthly life has this most vital aspect to its expression,only mankind has
the power to reflect and therefore alter his/her actions if found wanting.
This planet is basically and fundamentally a classroom for the gradual elevation of consciousness
that is achieved through many incarnations,and through vast numbers of experiences, that
gradually bring about a dawning realisation of just who and what you really are.The prismatic
reflections that we all undergo are coloured by incarnating through THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM
that exists within every race colour and creed that exists upon this planet. Everyone of us without
exception will be born,black,white, brown,yellow, and every other shade end ethnicity that exists
This can indeed be a wondrous life for us,however we need to be aware that there is a prowler
that dwells within our consciousness, and this prowler is identified as our 'conscious thought
patterns'. Now if your regular thought patterns are positive and healthy orientated , our prowler
will bring rich rewards into our lives,this kind of prowler we enjoy and are happy to welcome
it into our lives. However this prowler will literally move heaven and Earth to accommodate all
your regular thought patterns, and all the focused attention you give to positive or negative things
whether they be pleasant of unpleasant,whether they will make you sick and die, get cancer or
any other thing you set your mind and attention on.If we invite the emotion of FEAR into our life
then the prowler (which is another name for the law of attraction,or vibration) will bring the very
THING you FEAR,whether it be getting cancer, disease, getting sick or robbed, your focus of attention, which is FEAR, will automatically draw into your being that very thing you fear and
do not want! Fear is a magnet that attracts FEAR, love is also a magnet that attracts LOVE. We
need to fully UNDERSTAND and COMPREHEND the law of attraction, what all these websites
do not tell you,is that this ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE of the law works BOTH WAYS, it attracts
what you want,which the websites dwell on which is wealth, they do not mention it can bring you
CANCER and disease also! We all need to become very mindful of what we are thinking and what we are continuing to dwell upon and give our attention on, because if we focus on fear and disease
the LAW will OBEY your  COMMAND  and bring that to you, because you asked for it. The
universal law of attraction works AUTOMATICALLY, YOU ASK,AND IT DELIVERS, so please
dear readers of this blog,be very careful what you ask for in future.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,can you please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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