Monday 1 June 2020

Ascension Is Dark Energy. A I D E Part Two.

Dark energy is an A I D E  to our ascension process, dark energy permeates our living life
energy matrix, it is ubiquitous,and the term used by quantum physics is that of non-locality.
Dark energy impinges upon and into our self aware consciousness,raising our awareness
and also giving us access to higher states of consciousness.
As we gradually ascend into higher states of awareness and perception, which is what is
happening today world wide,where mullions of us are waking up from a long slumber, the
apparent slow rate of evolution, has been knocked up a gear, and now falls into the domain
of a higher vibration frequency, which is now been called ascension, and the root meaning
of ascension is that the embodied physical form that is being expressed in this physical
dimension, fully awakens whilst clothed in matter, and thereby knows and fully understands
who and WHAT it actually IS!
The spirit knows fully what it is, the soul knows fully what it is, the first TWO aspects are
KNOWN, the THIRD aspect though which is YOU,dear reader, does not fully KNOW who
you ARE! That is the sole reason you are here,to make that most VITAL third CONNECTION!
Dark energy is your AIDE, it represents your unconscious consciousness,as you begin to ask
questions about the meaning of life, looking at why we are here, is there a higher purpose to
all of this? As you begin questioning things in your inner and outer life stream,you unbeknown
to your conscious mind,an opening within your subconsciousness gradually widens, and this
lets in energy from another dimension of consciousness, the place where dark energy resides
which is deeply within the unconsciousness of all expressed life, to become aware that this
subconsciousness is not located within YOU or anybody else, it is omnipresent non locality.
Ascension occurs when we begin to see first the connectivity to everything in the universe,we
are all totally and absolutely connected and interconnected to all universal life. Dark energy is
the LIFE FORCE latent within this emergent relative universe, that LIES in WAIT to become
assessed by an INQUIRING MIND, as we draw upon this invisible FIELD of dark energy, we
begin ascending to higher and higher states of consciousness, perception, and awareness. Within us
all lies an infinite amount of dark energy, wisdom,bliss, happiness, joy, abundant heath, and a
inner peace that is beyond human understanding.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation.
If this blog resonates within you dear reader can you please pass it on to family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. From the infinite and absolute ocean of unexpressed life, 'WE' are then funnelled down into points of reference,to begin engaging in collecting experiences while enclosed in form (physical body) and beginning a journey that will be long and exceedingly exciting to gain insight and understanding of the variety that expressed life beings.
