Wednesday 17 June 2020

Vision Of You As Gnosis Emerges.V O Y A G E .

We as this thing called humanity are all on a VOYAGE of discovery, each incarnation upon
this planetary school room Earth,brings us all one step closer to discovering our inner GNOSIS
the word means from the dictionary that of "knowledge of spiritual mysteries" and also "sublime".
The vision is how we see ourselves,what does your inner vision reveal to you dear reader?
Are you on a voyage of self discovery, or are you just plodding on doing the best you can?
Behind the label of humanity, lies the immutable and absolute principle of LIFE, which stands
for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what the label humanity, you and me really is
we are seven and a half billion points of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, never mind if you
say you are a doctor,or a dustman, nurse or social worker, they are just descriptions of what you
DO, what you do for a living is NOT WHO YOU ARE! How much attention do we FOCUS on
the intelligent question of who exactly AM "I"?
Why do you think you are here? Have you ever REALLY THOUGHT about this? Is there a reason
that you are drawing breath upon this school room planet? Infinite intelligence is not in the business
of propagating errors or mistakes, if we can accept this simple idea, then we are left with the conclusion that we are all meant to be here right now, or otherwise we would all be unnoticed by
our absence!
So what are you here for? To be a doctor,dustman, nurse, social worker, the answer is none of those
roles,what we do,is a role we play, like actors on a stage, its just that we get so good at playing
our ROLE on the stage of school earth,that we then misidentify ourselves as really being this
person whose job is this or that and that this body I live in is really who I am.We seem to have
lost the insight that lies within our collective sub consciousness, that we have all been here before
many many times, we have all had a vast number of physical bodies (vehicles) we have done every
job available to mankind over tens of thousands of years, we have had more bodies that you will
have hot dinners in this life time, the question then is this, which one of these numerous bodies that
we have all inhabited is the REAL DEAL? Which of those bodies is really you dear reader?
perhaps you do not believe in reincarnation dear reader, that's fine, bur rest assured reincarnation
believes in YOU, and will carry on regardless of any of our beliefs.
In part two will explore this word GNOSIS and what it means for us all. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,can you please pass it onto family and friends Thank You,

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