Saturday 6 June 2020

Spirit Presenting Life Involving Conscious Enfolded Divinity.S P L I C E D Part Two,

LIFE in its essence is SOURCE ENERGY, and the life essence is ABSOLUTE and therefore
is totally transcendent of ALL universal LAWS, no-thing whatsoever applies to LIFE, it is an
Absolute singularity, and absolutely the WHOLE from with ALL REALITY and TRUTH spring
from. LIFE, There are only two MODES of which both are life, life-expressed =MOTION. and
LIFE unexpressed=motionlessness.
Mankind is expressed within five (koshas) which means sheaths or bodies, these are 1 bliss body
2 wisdom body, 3 mental body, 4 energy body,5 physical body. each body or expression becomes
more dense which means lowering vibration frequencies as we get nearer and nearer to the last
and lowest level which is the physical body.Each of these sheaths is subject to universal law
however the higher we ascend within these five koshas the more aligned to universal law we
become. The last body which is the bliss body,is the final bubble that we have, if we choose to
burst that bubble, we then dissolve back into that infinite of LIFE Consciousness. Or we can
and therefore choose perhaps turn back upon ourselves and help our brothers and sisters who
are still struggling in the shadows of relative existence.
All expressed life on earth with the exception of mankind, acts solely out of instinct which
drives all of its actions from birth to death, they cannot go against what their instinctual
programming has laid out for them. Mankind however can and does do this very often.
Because of our I AM self aware consciousness, we have the POWER to CHOOSE, which
is the power of Divine being,no other creature on Earth has this power,only us.We have the
power of REFLECTION, we can know that we know.We can ask ourselves the question
who am "I"? We call ourselves first I AM-JOHN/MARY, but before we say either JOHN or
MARY, we fist say every times thousands of times over our life time we say I AM FIRST!
If we cast our minds back to that story in the Bible where Moses heard God talking to him
the burning bush,when Moses asked God,who shall I say sent me, God replied tell them that
'I AM' sent you? Are we not all I AM? Our I AM consciousness is the window that will open
the inner doorway that will lead you to full conscious consciousness  of your very own
IMMORTAL SOUL, which will then lead you into FULL SELF KNOWING!
We are all spliced from the one Jewel of LIFE and have become facets of that one JEWEL.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader can you please pass it onto family and friends Thanks.

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