Thursday 4 June 2020

Inclusion manifesting Principle Sequenced. I M P S Part Two.

The universal immutable law of Vibration, commonly also called the law of Attraction, is
sequenced into service and action by our thoughts,attentions, and our focusing upon a
certain object that we desire,need or want, and it will deliver this thought or desire to you
whether it is positive, negative, harmful or beneficial to you.
We often fail to realise the power we have access to within us.The reason we are all here on
Earth is to finally after spending countless incarnations here,being both male and female, and
undergoing all manner of experiences,both painful and pleasant,which then gradually culminate
into a inner dawning upon your consciousness that you are a divine immortal soul. This then
reveals the power we all have within us, it then becomes a MOOT POINT, here the word
MOOT means that we awaken to our true selves,which spells out Masters-Of-Ourselves-Truly
=MOOT,and the POINT is that we then know just who the hell we are!
We are all masters of ourselves period, and therefore the immutable law of Vibration or
attraction OBEYS and SERVES each any everyone one of us with unquestioning Obedience.
It surrounds every atom of our being and stands in immediate attention to our every focused
attention and desire that may arise within us.
Whatever we focus on or give our attention to, will eventually materialise in our lives sooner
or later,whether it be beneficial to us,or harmful to us, the law just obeys without question or
thought of any possible consequences that may or may not arise from this desire becoming filled.
In the last few months much fear has arisen within so many of us, and fear is a corrosive emotion
that eats away at our health and well being,we need to let go of fear,and embrace the fact that we
are all masters of ourselves,if we so chose to be. The choice is ours, cower down in fear and feel
helpless, of stand on our feet with faith that we are masters of our destiny if we so desire IT, and
FOCUS our attention on how healthy and vibrant we all truly are, then that IMMUTABLE 
law of vibration and attraction, will OBEY your COMMAND, without question, and will then
USHER INTO your LIFE, what you have desired,which is to be a master of YOUR SELF
enjoying perfect health, vitality and a joy filled experience, If that becomes your FOCUS, your DESIRE, then the LAW will OBEY and manifest that REALITY into your LIVING EXPERIENCE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,please pass it on to family and friends Thank You.

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