Sunday 7 June 2020

Alchemy Spirit Soul Unite Mankind Expressing Divinity. A S S U M E D .

The pure science of spirit alchemy must be a wonder to behold, spirit which is the very Essence
of all LIFE, which in its purest formless form, is absolute and beyond our present comprehension.
The alchemy of divine spiritual intelligence works within what could be termed as a "reversal
of purity and intangibility,into density and embodiment", In other words the purity of spirit
is polluted by matter. The reversal of this alchemy process, is the exact opposite of which
those ancient alchemists used to do, which was make dull leaden material into that of being
raised into gold.
When we fully know and understand  the depths of our ignorance , then the wisdom of the
ancients will rise to the surface of our consciousness and perceptive awareness,our assumptions
are often as shallow as our understanding of who and what we really are.
Behind our tangibility (physical vehicle) behind our astral counterpart less tangible body, and
behind all our much less dense other expressions, behind all those EXPRESSIONS which are
all relative to each other expression,right down to the lowest of all the physical vehicle,there
then lies that which is beyond ALL EXPRESSION that which is now no longer RELATIVE
which then becomes ABSOLUTE and totally TRANSCENDENT of ALL, and becomes the
NOTHING that is permanent except the ONE HIDDEN absolute existence which contains in
ITSELF the NOUMENA  of all realities.
What we need to fully understand is that "WE" are ALL THAT! That reality contains every
atom within this universe, which means you and me are all that which just IS!
LIFE reaches out from stillness and manifests motion, life is formless SPIRIT intangible
PURITY,it moves within its motions, still intangible until the motions diversify and become
laws of expressed intentions, then LIFE wants further expression and that incurs the need of
cloaking intangibility with an vehicle that can be expressed in lower levels of vibration, this
was when the soul came on line,and coalesced into tangibility and became the sheath that
gave the purity of spirit access to lower dimensions of expression, and began a journey that
we are slowly beginning to realise as the waking up process of ascension gathers speed.
In part two will explore this further.  Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,please pass it on to your family and friends Thanks 

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