Friday 12 April 2024



This blog today entitled  WILTED  asks the question of what is LIFE truly,

then  offers an answer to that most fundamental question of what is life Truly?

What we need to reveal first is the basic question of what is LIFE? The answer

to that is, Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy  which spells out LIFE. that is what 

life basically is before it is covered over by tangible matter that provides a physical

body, this tangible body is made out of Elemental material from the five elements

of Earth-Air-Fire-Water- Ethereal essence. So Life is that of Intelligent Energy 

that is focused into taking the shape and form that it wants to express  within its

designated location. So here we have established that LIFE  is living -intelligent

Focused Energy , that is the Ethereal Formless Presence, it is the clothed with 

KOSHIC sheaths  that was from the five Elemental Forces of Air-Fire-Water-Earth

Ethereal essence. So the question arises that what exactly is this Living-Intelligent

Focused-Energy, where does it come from? The answer is simply that life all life

emerges out from that of DIVINE SPIRIT, which is that of the SOURCE of ALL

LIFE and is Absolute Intelligence and Infinite Wisdom. All universal life is in essence

that of Pure Spirit Eternal. Spirit without expression (life) is eternally motionlessness

and omnipresent. When Spirit is expressed as what we call life it gains motion plus 

that of substance , it takes on am Elemental KOSHIC sheaths so  that it can appear

within our space time continuum as a living life form.  Humanity al eight billion of us

are all life on the surface and Spirit within our core matrix. All of life and humanity

are all that of unborn Eternal  holy Spirit SOURCE, Divinity seeking experience of

Tangible expression.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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