Saturday 13 April 2024



This blog today entitled STEELED  is about where all life and existence came from

and where it goes to when expired. The primal knowing point here is to fully understand

that all life and existence all come from ONE Absolute point of reference which is that 

of Absolute Divine Spirit/ SELF/SOURCE. The main reference point here is that Spirit 

is Eternal  UNBORN Absolute and that expressed life is relative and temporal. Here

the word expression means literally to move have atomic motion, all life is expressed 

out from the stillness of omnipresent spirit into that of motioning expressed life, and the

intelligence behind all expressed life want to experience an infinite diversification of

life and existence. The word life and existence are both synonymous you cannot have 

one without the other. All life is outwardly that particular reference point which Divine 

spirit wants to experience that appearance is the relative material body which is visible

within that visible expression is that of the Divine animator which is spirit. Mankind

is exactly the same as all other life with one major difference, which is that we have all

become SELF AWARE beings which means that we have awakened into  I  AM SELF

AWARE consciousness, this means that we can actually  look within ourselves which no

other life form that we know about can do. By looking into ourselves we can begin the

journey to discovering the inner truth of our being, which is that we are all Immortal

Divine Spirit in essence. Humanity is being expressed here upon the stage of Earth in order 

to fully know who and what mankind really is. We will all eventually come to know that

we are ALL eternal immortal BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Sour Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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