Friday 7 October 2022


 This blog today entitled SEAL is about how all expressed life (has motion)  has

enfolded within its matrix the NOUMENON which is Pure Spirit, and at its entrance

into the physical domain , we then have the PHENOMENON which is that of expressed

life in what ever shape it appears as.

All expressed life is "locked and SEALED" into that which is Spirit Essence. Humanity

is no exception, outwardly we are all presented as the ;phenomenon , but inwardly we are

all the invisible NOUMENON which is pure spirit , or GOD or short. SEAL is about that

of knowing ourselves, and revealing the Divine Intelligent Energy  that arises fro deep within

ourselves. To break the "SEAL"  is about awakening into the realization of just how deep is

our ignorance of who and what we really are. To break this proverbial SEAL we have to 

venture deeply within ourselves, by taking up meditation or yoga and seeking out the 

answer to that most fundamental question of "WHO AM "I"? When you ask this question 

within ourselves, we set of a chain of mental and emotional energy that will penetrate 

deeply within ourselves, and open up our inbuilt INTUITION faculty, our intuition

which is a divine monitor our own personal GURU, will begin giving you insightful

ideas about who you really are. Keep up this daily practice of meditation and you will

soon make that realization of your true Divine Immortal IDENTITY.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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