Monday 29 August 2022


 This blog entitled SEWN is about how Divine Spirit  is closer to us all than our

hands and feet, closer that your atoms and cells within your body, so close in FACT

that there is ZERO-DISTANCE from US. The Great Spirit -GOD or BRAHMAN

has not got to "TRAVEL" from "HEAVEN" or any other place within the infinite

universe, because it EXISTS within YOU  now reading this, it exists within your

heart CHAKRA. "WE" are SPIRIT first, SOUL second, and a biological machine 

third. The core of our being is pure absolute SPIRIT, this spirit is there within you,

all you have to do is to venture within your self and reveal this FACT for yourself.

This is not a THEORY about DIVINITY it is a FACTUAL REALITY that exists 

within EVERY HUMAN BEING. YOU can easily PROVE this FACT for yourself

just venture within yourself and meditate, seek out your INTUITION faculty and

enquire about the spirit within yourself, and see what answers you get,

We are all presented  into this planet Earth via three point of reference, which are 

the physical, mental, and spiritual, a three fold alignment which is our human 

makeup. The Spiritual dimension of our expression is often almost ATROPHIED

in many of us, as we are forever looking outwards and never within us.

To be in harmony with our presentation here on Earth we need to balance all three

fold expressions, we need to understand our physicality, use out minds and think 

positive thoughts, plus we need to look within and make contact with our spiritual

being, which lies within us. We can never be really ALONE or be abandoned  by 

SPIRIT. That power lies within us all, we just have to look within and make that 

contact with our inner TRUE SELF. Your body is just a vehicle a biological 

machine nothing more than that, the real YOU is NOT the physical vehicle,

the vehicle is only a COVERING for the SOUL, nothing more than that.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this b log resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.