Monday 3 August 2020

So Our Life Appears Relative-Who Are You ? S O L A R -W A Y . Part Two,

The Solar Way, is the High way we all tread as that  of the collective life forms we commonly
call Humanity.We have all arrived here tens of thousands of years ago, as relative time is measured
in reality time has NEVER EXISTED, but we all seem to need this crutch called time, as it
seems to make sense of extended periods of experiences.We as human beings are all collectively
contained within this solar system,and spend our visitations here flowing downwards (lower
vibrations) from the astral realm,where we rest up and tack stock of our last visitation upon
the school room planet earth, here we evaluate our experiences here, and then await our next
incarnation back here. The astral realm has a slight dimensional variation to that of this dense
physical realm,although it also interpenetrates this dimension as well in certain conditions
such as the time of death,and also in certain times of deep meditation, or if an individual is
particularly sensitive to this dimension, it can some times be seen as a blue swirling mist
or vapour. One common factor arises within every human being on this planet, and that one
factor is our I AM self aware consciousness, we are all aware of our "I" FACTOR  now
the question arises of what actually does this "I" FACTOR  consist OF? Who and WHAT is
this FACTOR who calls ITSELF "I"??? Well the answer to that question is being played
out  within each of our lives,life time after life time,incarnation after incarnation,because we
will all keep coming back here, until we all fully realise our divine immortal GOD-LIKE
spiritual reality. And remember please that we cannot ever leave this vale of tears until we all
fully wake up and smell the proverbial ROSES! If that takes an eternity,then so be it,if you
are happy about continuing shuttling up into the astral realm, then back again here for countless
centuries to come, then enjoy your ups and downs experiences.However if you want to get of
this solar system wheel of Karma and endless repetition, the choice is SOLELY YOURS dear
reader, make the choice to find and recognise your own immortal divine soul, realise exactly
who and what you eternally ARE, then when you fully understand and accept this at depth
within your innermost being,where your perception and self aware consciousness knows that
it knows, and expands your inner awareness, a higher tone of perceptional awareness will ring
in your ears.Then when that glorious day arrives dear reader of this blog,you can say at long
last,goodbye to this solar system,I have enjoyed my stay, it is now time to move onto new
pastures green.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,
Thanks and bless you all my new readers in Cambodia,hope you all enjoy my blogs.


  1. Brother you share your inner-Self with humanity;its great contribution.Lov.regards

  2. Bless you dear brother,you words are liquid sunshine that brightens a
    cloudy sky.
