Wednesday 26 June 2019

Sin Error Evolution Revelation.-S E E R .

The primal motion of the first Intentional wave gave birth to the potentiality of error to arise
within the newly emanated virgin universe,manifested by Infinite Mind and therefore brought
motion from motionlessness.
The word sin has no bases within reality, the word was concocted by the ancients fathers who
wrote out the Bible that some of us read today. The idea was too provoke fear into the ignorant
masses who in those days could neither read nor write,and place themselves as priests in
positions of power and prestige. The very childish idea that one tiny human being could actually
have the power to make the Absolute Manifestor  of the universe  angry is almost beyond
belief. But many bought this audacious lie,and many still do today.
How can error occur when manifesting from the point of perfection? The answer is it cannot
so why do we think that error occurs?
In the beginning was the primal thought wave intention, the intention was to manifest motion
out of stillness,to stir the infinite potentiality of motionless spirit, into motion and then to cast
this motioning thought wave intention into the VOID  and therefore manifest a universe where
motion was supreme.
The Infinite spirit was in the primal thought wave ,and still remains there today. From the act
of motion from stillness, thereby this manifested the phenomena which we now call evolution.
Evolution is perfect, but does not realize that reality,therefore until it reaches the state of self
awareness and the birth of the "I AM" consciousness it cannot know its perfection, we can know it
by looking deeply within ourselves.Although still today untold millions of us all think that we are
imperfect, thinking that no human can be perfect unless they are either Jesus or the Buddha!
The reality is that we are ALL PERFECT but due to our ignorance and lack of self realizing
we all deny the reality of our very own Divine BIRTHRIGHT!!
The revelation which is the last part of this blogs equation on the SEER will come to us all
eventually, either in this life time or another. We will all gradually awaken to the realization that
first we are all souls with physical bodies, and not the other way round, that of being bodies with
souls.,then we will all realize that we are immortal divine souls, then when that realization  fully
locks into our newly awakened consciousness, we will then see that we are all PERFECT.
In part two will look further into this        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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