Wednesday 20 March 2019

You Are Really Divine Seek Truth In Conscious Knowing.=Y A R D S T I C K Part Two.

Humanity consists of over seven and a half billion spiritual souls, all encased within a physical
body, and the vast majority of those spiritual souls encased in flesh and blood bodies, actually
believe that the physical sheath is who they really are. They believe that the "I" which we call
ourselves, that of being a physical body,is actually who they really are, they think that this
mortal body is their true identity. This of course is totally untrue, and bares no resemblance
to the reality of our internal immortal reality. Why do so many of us buy into this nonsensical
fantasy? Have we all not been told for countless centuries that we are Divine children of the
universal absolute intelligence, called God for short? Have we not even considered that maybe
there is a element of some truth in all our world religions? Have we not all been told to look
within ourselves by countless holy men through the ages, Grutama Siddhartha  known now as
the Buddha, taught us to look within ourselves,why did he teach that I wonder? We in this
modern age are all taught by our peers to forever LOOK OUT THERE, never are we taught
to look within ourselves.You will never know who you really are, if you are forever glued to
your smart phone.
To obtain conscious knowing of who we really are,requires the act of turning our gaze inwards
to centre our consciousness on lifting the veil of maya (illusion) that has been cast over our gaze
from ages past. We misname ourselves and do not understand what we are actually calling
ourselves, we are NOT human beings, that is a fantasy and we fail to see the irony of it, what
actually all are factually is that of HUMAN DOINGS, because we are always doing something
from the moment we wake up until we flop into bed at night, doing, doing, doing, we are NEVER
ever BEING!!!!!! Except in rare circumstances. The main thing we do all day long is that of
thinking, there is no time for inner peace and quiet, no time for meditation or yoga, no time for
BEING, only endless time for DOING. The vast majority of the human race are if fact human
doings, maybe one in a million is actually a human BEING, the rest of us are endlessly doing
something like going round in endless circles like headless chickens, caught up in an eddy of
circular pettiness pain, and confusion. To get of this endless treadmill of doingness we need to make
and effect a change in our perspective. We need to go within ourselves, seek out our true and lasting
inner nature, start being, instead of doing, still the endless chatter of the way word mind, find
stillness within your self, and when the inner peace fills your being, you will then know who you
really are, that of a Divine immortal spiritual soul,.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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