Wednesday 11 October 2017

Dreaming-Unravels-Answers-Listening-Intently-Truth-Yields.=D.U.A.L.I.T.Y. Part Three.

In our heart of hearts, we all dream of total union, total acceptance, and unconditional love, to
be wholly whole, totally complete without any fragmentation whatsoever.
This is the root cause of all our longing for completeness and wholeness, we instinctively feel
that there is something missing in our lives, and what is missing, is our connection to our higher
self, the SOUL,  until there is a connection made we will always have this longing for wholeness.
The downside of this great instinctual urge we all have for atonement with the WHOLE, which
translates into our lives, as though something is missing, is that it takes the form of an "hunger"
we all want to "fill this empty void within us" and the way we try and appease this insatiable
appetite  is the reason millions die every year from things like, alcoholism, drug addictions,
food addictions like obesity,and all the other mental, and physical illnesses that arise from this
one simple longing within for wholeness.
We are all encapsulated within the grasp of duality, physically, but we are much more than just
physical beings, we are all three fold beings, physical, mental. and spiritual,we are all aware and know about the first two, physical and mental, but what about the spiritual? Now we all need to
fully understand what this actually means, the spiritual aspect of humanity has "absolutely NOTHING to do with ANY RELIGION"  on this planet EARTH"!!!!! We are all spiritual
beings as the result of universal natural intelligent LAW. All life is spiritual in essence, such is the
The spiritual part of humanity is not a theory, or some bullshit proposition from a scientific think
tank, it is the reality of who we all really are, you need to understand this dear reader, for in the
understanding and acceptance of this universal reality,you will find a way out of being the
fragmented part, and journey toward wholeness and union with your higher self the soul.
This can be accomplished by taking up daily meditation or yoga practices, if we do this daily
discipline, then we will be well on our way to unification within the whole, then that empty
feeling will leave us forever, loneliness will no longer haunt us,although we will still be within
duality, with it dual nature of, on or off, left or right, up or down, deep within us we will feel
the deep emotion of gradually orienting ourselves towards wholeness of being, and that feeling
that we are becoming conscious of a far greater reality, which lies beyond duality, that of the
Warmest regards michael. comments very welcome soul realization facebook.

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