Monday 3 July 2017

What Is Real ? Part three.

In part one and two of this blog on what is real, i have brought out and explained that there is no such
thing as out there,  and also that there was no such thing as the word death, which really means change,  that's all, within the relative universe there is but change, not such thing as death.
We need to fully understand what this means, the dust you breathe in on a dry and sun baked road
is alive, the mountains that you climb and ski down are alive, not life as you know it, but still alive.
There is an ancient maxim which states that space is an entity. All is alive.
What then is real? Look in the mirror, you are real, we all our the living embodiment of reality
and that reality is called LIFE, and LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy, life.
You, we, are all real, and being real and understanding that death is an illusion, just being a name for change, we can then begin to get our heads around what are the implications of this realizing, well
the first realization that will dawn upon you is that by that very fact of life always being alive, then
that actually means then that we are all eternal beings! Yes absolutely right, we are all eternal beings
at the present moment in time (and it is well to remember that time to like death is an illusion) are
all engaged on a reincarnation cycle upon the planet Earth, and that we call ourselves human beings
as a reference point of mutual understanding. The actual term human being  does not exist in reality
only in this reference grid that we use here on Earth. We need to understand that we are not really
human, we are LIFE and LIFE is not human, life is energy, living intelligent focussed energy,we
are spiritual beings, having a human experience here on Earth. The experience we all want to have
and experience, is the real feeling of what it is like to feel separated from the WHOLE, in our
for want of a better word purest form we are all firmly  locked into the WHOLE sequence,
where there is total harmony and bliss, Earth is one of the few place in this locale that this can
be experienced, we are by being born here cloaked down, massively from our usual vibrational
level,we are then further encumbered by being given a space suit, the physical body, which dumbs
us down even further ,we then are born here and learn what it feels like to be alone, and afraid.
All of those feelings, that we have all arise from a inner yearning for that wholeness that we instinctively all crave, that's where all the addictions and maladies that befalls man comes from
because we crave to belong again, to feel whole, when we feel that enough, and have soaked up
enough pain, we instinctively turn within, and find our way home again.
May this blog find resonance within you, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, face book soul realization.

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