Friday 5 May 2017

Meditation-Opens-Doors-Emergence- M.O.D.E.

Little did I know that when I started meditating forty three years ago, where it would lead me.
I Really took up meditation as the result of a long series of crisis, that landed me in a mental
health care hospital for over six months. When discharged from there I attended self help groups
which followed the 12 step program founded by Bill W, and Dr Bob,  part of that program was
about seeking through prayer and meditation our conscious contact with a higher power of our
own understanding. I started meditating in 1974 and still do it today forty three years later, and
practice it twice a day morning and evening. After about a year of doing this regularly and feeling
tremendous benefits and acute insights into my nature of being, I started a meditation group of
friends I had made at the meetings, this was very powerful and we all gained great insights into
our inner natures, and could plainly see our defects of character, I was told once by a big tough
Glaswegian guy, "that I was a defect looking for a character" that really gave my ego a boost!!
Another thing I noticed is that when there are several of you all meditating at the same time in the same room together, the energy level is magnified exponentially.
We had these meditation meetings weekly for about three years then I moved away ,but  continued
on my own. I have many times left my physical body while meditating, at first I would just go a few feet away, sometimes looking down at myself sitting in the chair below, or be across the room with
me looking back at me! That was a really odd experience, then when I got used to this I would go
further like the moon for instance ,went  there and looked around and was thrilled by that experience,
I then went to Mars and saw myself land there and when my feet touched the Martian soil I was rocking to and fro as though trying to get my balance, I then noticed a man with his back to me,sat
on a rock, looked like he was meditating as well, but as I tried to move closer to him ,I  was
suddenly pulled back to Earth and into my body which the journey back took just a micro second
no more,  instantaneous traveling.
I have found an abundance of fruits that manifest within your life if you are serious about it,
an expansion of consciousness and awareness, perception become laser like after a few years ardent
effort, that still small voice that cries out within us all in times of pain and crisis, becomes revealed to
you as your higher self the soul, that higher self is in effect  downloaded into your  psyche  and
telepathic communication if effect comes on line to you.
We are then factually and actually re-born again in the fire of the spirit, that has been my personal
experiences, plus many  more, but suffice to say, that this or similar experiences can be yours my friends if you just take up regular daily meditation, what have you got to loose? Except your old worn
out old self!
warmest regards Michael. anny feedback welcome, face book soul realization.

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